Not every deed is given. Only those that are useful to Families research
Thomas Sumrall Sr. for love and affection to grandson Thomas Gibson land on the west side of Pearl River, dated April 26, 1820. Witness; Wiley White, Elizabeth Gibson and William Graham.
Thomas Sumrall for love and affection to son Moses Sumrall two Negroes known as London & Jane, dated September 30, 1817. Witness: Allen Jenkins and Ralph Simmons.
Thomas Sumrall for love of son David Sumrall gives him two head of horses, stock of hogs, and household furniture and goods. Witness; Henry Sumrall & Nelson G. Strong. Dated January 11, 1821
Thomas Sumrall to grandson Reason Burn a Negro named Amerto, which is to remain in the possession of his grandmother Ann Sumrall until her death. Dated July 5, 1815. Witness; James Simmons, Allen Jenkins, J.P.
Thomas Sumrall to daughter Ann Graham, a Negro woman. Dated July 5, 1815 Witness; James Simmons and Allen Jenkins, J.P.
Thomas Sumrall to son Levi Sumrall a Negro man named Dick. Dated September 30, 1817. Witness; Allen Jenkins, Ralph Simmons. Recorded July 5, 1820
Thomas Sumrall gives to his son Isaac Sumrall's widow, Mary Sumrall, five cows and their calves and the balance of stock of cattle. Witness; Henry Sumrall and Joseph Mangum. Dated July 12, 1821
Christiana Robertson for love and affection which she bears to daughter Rebecca Haisn (before marriage Rebecca Robertson) a Negro woman named Aphia with her increase. September 15, 1818. Witness; James Phillips Jr. & Benjamin Lee. James Phillips appeared before Wm. Lott Judge of Quorium & attested to deed.
Christiana Robertson gives daughter Rebecca Haines Negro girl about 8 years old Cerena. September 15, 1818
Christiana Robertson gives to granddaughters for natural love & affection: Beloved granddaughters Susannah Haines and Sary Ann Haines (Christiana Robertson moving) a Negro boy named William. Dated September 15, 1818. Witness; James Phillips Jr. & Benjamin Lee.
William Lott Sr. for natural love and affection to son William Lott Jr., a minor & infant, a certain Negro women named Sal and her child named Lancaster. Dated July 24, 1820. Witness; James Phillips Jr. & Sarah Phillips.
Moses Collins for love & affection to daughter Ailcy Woodruff one Negro girl named Betsy on condition that she is not under the control of her present or any other husband, July 24, 1815. Witness; Moses Collins Jr and Sarah Hatcher.
John Townsend of St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, for love and affection which I bear towards my two sons John Henry Townsend and William Raily Townsend (both minors) a certain Negro girl about 12 or 13 years of age named Betsy. Dated March 7, 1821. Witness; James Phillips Jr. & Elias Phillips.
Ransom M. Collins for love to beloved mother Nancy Collins one Negro boy slave for life named Jefferson about eleven years of age. Dated October 21, 1820. Witness; James Sturgus & Joshua B. Curtis
Appeared before Daniel West, Chief Justice, Thomas Gordon, who stands indebted for sum of $27 on a note of hand drawn on David Lankford. The deponent says that he believes Lankford is about to take leave of the place. Richard Speaks is deputized to serve papers. Executed February 13, 1812
David Hubert is held and firmly bound to Richard Sparks in the penal sum of $54 Feb 14, 1812. Hubert has handed over sorrel mare to Sparks levied by an attachment issued against Thomas Gorden by Daniel West.
Seize William Richey to answer plea to trespass from James Lewis in case of damage in amount of $100. Witness; Harmon Runnels, 4th Monday in Feb, 1812
Seize Sampson E. Ball to answer Phillip Magee plea of trespass in sum of $400. Wit. Harmon Runnells. Issued at County house on the 4th Monday of February, 1812
Sampson E. Ball, Wm. Spencer are bound to Hardin D. Runnels in the sum of $400, April 20, 1812. Ball is now in custody by virtue of a Bail of Writ to answer deft. on a note dated January 29, 1811
Phillip Magee, by Attorney, Christopher Rankin, gives statement of Charges about note when it was due; February term of 1812. Witness; John Doe, Richard Roe.
Seize David Glover on plea of trespass of E. G. Foreman and Joseph Foreman, merchants, firm of W. G. & J. Foreman, damages up to $200. August 8, 1812
Take person of John Graves to answer plea of Phillip Magee under Joseph Foreman, damages of $100. August 10, 1812. Bond of John Graves, Ayres Holliday on above suit, July 12, 1812.
Take James Gayle on plea of trespass against Joseph Rogers for $100. 4th Monday August, 1812
Action to recover $500 given the plaintiff for a bank note on the U S Branch Bank at New Orleans which has regularly protested by the Clerk of said Bank as a Counterfeit. Christopher Rankin Pltffs.
Take Phillip Magee on plea of trespass from Joseph Foreman for $90. 4th Monday of July, 1813.
Magee was indebted to Foreman for $46.81 1/4 cents worth of merchandise.
James Phillips on plea of trespass from Samuel Perkins in amount of $100 due from instrument of writing dated February 15, 1812.
Bond of James Phillips, countersigned by James Mikell. Charges of Samuel Perkins against Phillips. Plaintill Phillips was charged twenty five dollars & costs of County.
October 25, 1817 in a deed William Hunt and Sarah Hunt his wife to Benjamin Rawls for $814 tract of land containing two hundred and nine acres, purchased from the U. S. Government, lying on Hunt's Creek. Witness; Jebus Rawls and Thomas C. Hunt
Survey made by James Phillips for David Ford on Feb 19, 1818. Contains 360 acres one quarter & eighteen poles, Henry Mitchell & Asa Lee sworn as chain bearers.
Survey by James Phillips for Fleet Magee on May 27, 1819 for nineteen acres two quarters and two poles. John Magee & Fleet Magee chain bearers.
Survey of Joseph Ford of certified plat filed in office October 23, 1818. Survey of John Ford 120 acres 40/100 December 3, 1818. John Ervin & Thomas Ford, chain bearers.
Survey made by James Phillips County Surveyor for (???) December 3, 1818. Contains 249 60/100 acres, John Ervin & Thomas Ford chain bearers.
January 2, 1819 between Benjamin Johnson & Davis Collins for $160, goods, furniture, household staff, etc. Witness; Francis Patterson
Samuel Lee for $200 to John Lott Jr. one quarter section of land lying in S E 41 Township 3, etc. April 15, 1819. Witness; Samuel Sturgus and Arthur Lott Jr.
Samuel Lee for $5350 to John Lott Jr. 5 Negro slaves; Scisilla, Della, Rebecca, Jenny & Milly, together with stock of cattle, hogs, horses, and household furniture. April 15, 1819
September 16, 1809 William Simpson a tract of land containing 140 acres more or less and thirty dollars in money for a Negro woman and her children. Witness; Samuel Simpson and signed by Susan Graham
John Lucas sells to Phillip Keller a section of land containing 70 acres, Feb 25, 1818. Witness; Abramah Ard & John Ford Jr.
Zach Holley signs contract to be overseer for William Bracey on Pearl River for 12 months to the best of his skills of profession. For such he is to receive $300. November 28, 1817. Witness; X. J. Bracey
Received of Wm. Bracey $297 to bear expense of his Negroes to the western country to Pearl River & buy hogs & cattle etc. December 3, 1817. Zachariah Holley
Dugal McLaughlin is bound to Thomas Downing for $3000, January 1, 1820. McLaughlin will make title to Downing for a piece of land containing 21 acres. Witness; Wm. M. Rankin & Bennett Whiddon
March 15, 1820, Sarah Gibson received $100 from Ann Graham, administrator of estate of Stafford Gibson, being her full share of the estate. Test: James Conn.
March 15, 1820, Elizabeth Gibson received $100 from Ann Graham, administrator of the estate of Stafford Gibson, deceased, being her full share. Test: Wiley White
March 15, 1815, James Conn and Martha Conn received of Ann Graham, administrator of estate of Stafford Gibson, deceased, the sum of $100, which is the balance in full of their part. Witness; Sarah Gibson & Sarah Conn.
Marmaduke Ryal for diverse good causes gives unto Williba Ryals and Hyrda Ryals three niggers unto Williba, 2 Negro women Milla and Amay, and unto hardy one Negro man Jim and household furniture to the above named to be divided between them at my death. Dated February 26, 1820. Witness; Fleet Magee, Willis Magee.
Ransom M. Collins for love to beloved mother Nancy Collins one Negro boy slave for life named Jefferson about eleven years of age. Dated October 21, 1820. Witness; James Sturgus & Joshua B. Curtis
Huey Carey turns over all of his tools to William Livermore with the laithe for the sum of $300. Dated October 10, 1820
Louisa Ford, widow & relict of Solomon Ford, late of Hancock County, for $4,500 to Joseph Ford, brother of Solomon Ford, deceased, all claims upon my late husbands property. Dated October 3, 1820. Witness; Thomas Anderson and H. B. Owens.
Indenture dated November 17, 1818, between Ebenezer Ford, St. Tammany Parish, LA., Joseph Ford and John Irvin of Marion County, and Elizabeth Irvin. Marriage intended between Ebenezer Ford and Elizabeth Irvin, $9,000, to be received by Ebenezer Ford. Ford sold slaves to Joseph Ford and John Irvin. Verification of witnesses of foregoing indenture signed before Jesse Faulk, J.P., recorded by Gilbert Stovall.
Indenture September 5, 1823, between Joseph Ford and John Irvin, one part, and Elizabeth Ford, formerly Elizabeth Irvin, widow of Ebenezer Ford, Washington Parish, of the other part. For the sum of $1.00 to them paid by said Elizabeth to carry into effect the trust imposed in them by Ebenezer, November 17, 1818, to sell Negro slaves (17) and their increase.
Verification of subscribing witnesses John Irvin and Joseph Ford to foregoing indenture. Filed by Gilbert Stovall, C.C.C
Indenture between Henry Henninger, John Lott, & Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners of Marion County, for $150 sell to Gilbert Stovall a town lot in the town of Columbia. Dated July 6, 1822.
July 11, 1822 Henry Henninger, John Lott, Gilbert Stovall, & Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners of Marion County, sell to Sebern J. Durham two town lots in Columbia.
Henry Henningar, John Lott, Gilbert Stovall, & Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners, sell to Luther Preston a town lot in Columbia, Dated July 11, 1822.
Indenture between James Phillips Jr., & Luther Preston for sale of a town lot to Preston. Dated July 11, 1822.
Indenture between Charles Stovall and Barbara W. Moore for $900 paid by Barbara Moore for tract of land on east side of Pearl River, 220 acres. Dated April 5, 1823. Relinquishment of dower by wife of Charles Stovall, Lucy Stovall.
Indenture: April 5, 1823, Joseph Simmons to Thomas Davis for $1,000 a tract of land in Section 200 acres.
Indenture: April 25, 1823, Thomas Davis to William Graham for $1100 a tract of land in fractional Section 1, 200 acres
Relinquishment of dower by wife of Thomas Davis, Elizabeth Davis. Signed by Mirry Bracey, Esq. Associate Justice of County Court, Marion County.
Ralph Simmons of the state of Mississippi in consideration of the sum of $1800 paid by Joseph Simmons and James Simmons Jr. a certain tract of land on the west bank of Pearl River, 292 acres. Dated January 18, 1821. Witness; Jeptha Duke, James Simmons Sr. & Ralph Simmons
Noble W. Haines deliver & mortgage a Negro girl about 8 years or nine years of age named Syrenia unto Allen Vince upon the following terms: one horse at the value of $80; hogs to the amount of $40; and $20 in cash until he pays over the full amount of $148. Dated December 2, 1820. Witness; Solomon Warren & Joseph Vince.
Levi and Samantha Fatheree have sold unto John Watson our right title interest in section 14 in Township 1, etc. Dated March 1, 1821 No witnesses
February 8, 1821 Hilliard Fatheree sells to James Mikell for $110 land on the east side of Pearl River, bounded by my lands, Stephen M. Foxworths, Dillings Creek containing 11 acres. Witness; Edward Mikell, Margaret Watson, Fanny Mikell.
State of Mississippi, Perry County, Received February 11, 1821 of Robert Lott of Marion $150 in full compensation for a certain Bay Horse unto the said Robert Lott. Witness; Craven P. Moffitt.
State of South Carolina, Charleston District: David Pemble of the city of Charleston says that he is well acquainted with the 2 Negroes Dick & Jack belonging to Mrs. Mary Lindsey, his sisterinlaw, and was bought by Richard Lindsey from John Barrow, a wine merchant. Dick is an African, taught to be a carpenter by Richard Lindsey. Jack was bought from the estate of John McFarland and was the family cook. They both escaped from a Chester sully at St. Augustine on the 9th of June, 1820 and not been heard from until the letter from James Sturgus from Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi, telling of the two being held prisoner there. Sworn February 23, 1821, Sam. Abbott, N.P.
Gronow Floyd and Elizabeth Floyd, for love & affection towards our beloved nieces & relatives Mahaley Morgan, Thursy Morgan, Elizabeth Morgan, minors and children of Batson Morgan of Amite County a certain Negro girl slave Molly. Dated March 27, 1821. Witness; Sarah Phillips and Hannah Collins.
Gronow Floyd & Elizabeth Floyd to niece Elizabeth Morgan, daughter of Batson Morgan of Amite County 3 cows & calves. Dated March 27, 1831 Witness; James Phillips, Sarah Phillips, Hannah Collins
State of Kentucky, Gerrard County, Benjamin Letcher Clerk of County Court certified that Ned, a man of color, was emancipated and set free by the last will & testament of Sherrod Burton, which will is on record in my office. Dated April 2, 1819, Ben Letcher
James Phillips certifies to the plat of a certain town survey laid off into lots by me on the east side of Pearl River Formerly known and distinguished by the name of Lott's Bluff, which town was laid off as aforesaid at the request of the Gen. Assembly of the State to fix on the permanent seat of Justice for Marion County, passed the thirteenth day of January, 1818
John Watson & Margaret Watson to Levi Fatheree all right title interest to the north half of the North West quarter of Section 13 in township 1 of Range 11. Dated March 1, 1821. Signed by John & Margaret Watson
Cornelius Burt, County of Tatnel, State of Georgia, to Robert Stacy and William Phillips for $300 land in the State of Georgia, Habersham County, in the original survey the number 156 District, number 10, tract or lot of land being drawn in the late Land Lottery. Dated July 16, 1821. Witness; Jas. Phillips & John Mixon
Henry Henninger, John Lott Sr., Hiram G. Runnells and Gilbert Stovall to John Thomas Spenser for $240 Town lot #14 in town of Columbia. Dated July 23, 1821. No witnesses
December 15, 1820 between John Ford & Philip Keller for $226. 160 acres of land lying on the east side of Pearl River being part of 640 acres granted Ford March 22, 1820. Witness; Wm. Peacock & Thomas Ford
Catherine Ford, wife of John Ford releases dower. June 1, 1821
James Graves appeared before County and stated that he did possess a bill of sale for Negroes from Richard Graves but that the bill of sale had been mislaid. Richard Graves verified the sale and wrote another bill of sale.
John Regan for love for grandson John R. Applewhite, a Negro girl named Patience. Witness; John Pope, John P. Moore, Eliza Pope. Cated August 1, 1821
John Regan for love and affection to sone (sic) Stephen A. Reagan three Negroes Treasey, Bob, Chaney. Dated July 20, 1829. Witness; Henry Barnes and Luke Powers. Sworn before Jesse Crawford, J.P.
John Regen for love and affection to his son Joseph R. Regan a parcel of land part of fractional section 7, T 2, R 14 E, in district of Washington State of Mississippi on July 15, 1829. Witness; Asenath Drake, Luke Powers, and Alfred R. Drake.
John Regan deed to son Joseph Regan five Negroes, Peter, Lilla, little Peggy, Mingo, and Perry, dated September 15, 1829. Witness; Asenath Drake, Luke Powers and Alfred Drake.
John Regan deed to son William S. Regan land part of a section 7 of T 2 R 14 E, district of Washington, dated September 29, 1829.
John Regan deed to son William S. Regan three Negroes Jack, Bella, and Clarkey, dated September 29, 1829.
John Regan deed to daughter Nancy R. Pittman for 4 Negroes Zack, Lucy, Ned and Old Peggy. Dated July 20, 1829. Before Alfred R. Drake, Henry T. Powers, and Luke Powers.
John Regan deed to daughter Mary Anne Applewhite for 3 Negroes Judith, Buster and Helen, dated July 20, 1829.
Everett Lee and his wife Charlotte for $628 sell to Thomas Applewhite land on the east side of Pearl River. Witness; Dolphin Pope and Edward Brown
John Ford sells to Thomas Griffin for $600 a Negro girl named Emily. Dated December 31, 1821. Witness; James Phillips, Jr.
Samuel Perkins for $105 sells to James Thigpen a tract of land on the west side of Pearl River. Dated January 28, 1822. Witness; Benjamin Lee and James B. Tucker.
Letter from Mary Lindsay to Mr. Ford telling him that prices offered for her slaves are not high enough. Dated June 20, 1821
Letter from A. L. Duncan to Mary Lindsay sending her two slaves.
Letter from A. L. Duncan to Mr. John Ford asking that he send two slaves to the widow and children. Dated December 5, 1821. Receipt from E. & John Ford for two Negro men for account of Widow Linsey formerly of Charleston now of St. Augustine.
James Mitchell gives to Mrs. Mary Lindsay the inventory of the estate of Robert Lindsay, October 4, 1815
Thomas Bennett, Governor of South Caroline, accepts inventory from James D. Mitchell, on the estate of Robert Lindsay, deceased. Recd. February 9, 1822.
Stephen Gilmore sells to Samuel Miles for $230 a Negro girl named Jean March 18, 1822. Witness; John C. Cord and Will Pardue.
Commissioners Henry Henigar, John Lott, Sr., Gilbert Stovall, and H. T. Runnels sell to Richard Graves for $300 land lying in the town of Columbia. Witness; William Phillips and Z. Holly. Dated March 28, 1822.
William and Ann Graham for $700 sell to Richard Conn a section of land January 22, 1822. Witness; Daniel Seale and Lewis Simmons
Bond: Gilbert Stovall, Charles Stovall, & Reuben Wright are bound to Walter Leeke, Esq., Governor of the state of Mississippi, for $5,000. Gilbert Stovall is appointed clerk of the County Court of Marion County. Dated August 23, 1822. James Phillips certifies bond of Gilbert Stovall, August 23, 1822
Samuel Rowland sells to James Clark for $800 a tract of land. Dated September 13, 1822.
July 6, 1822 Henry Henninger, John Lott, Gilbert Stovall, & Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners of Marion County, sell to James Shortridge a town lot in Columbia.
Certification of deed of conveyance of James Shortridge by Edwin Butler. Sated September 24, 1822
June 7, 1822 Richard Graves & wife Olivia Graves sell to Gilbert Stovall a town lot in Columbia. It was formerly purchased from the commission by John Graves, Jr.
Henry Henninger, John Lott, and Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners of Marion County, sell to Richard Graves a town lot in Columbia. Dated July 6, 1822. Page Certification of deed of conveyance to Richard Graves by Edwin Butler.
June 22, 1822 Daniel Seal sells to Henry Henninger for $600 a section of land. Certification of deed of conveyance by Daniel Seal June 22, 1822
Henry Henninger, John Lott Sr., & Hiram G. Runnels, commissioners of Marion County, sell to James Phillips Jr., a town lot in Columbia.
Certification of above deed by Gilbert Stovall, Justice of the Peace. Dated November 13, 1822.
October 18, 1822 Lewis Haguewood & Josephus Simmons sell to Wm. Graham a tract of land for $1,465. Certification of above deed of conveyance to William Graham. Delpha Haguewood relinquishes her right to the conveyed property of the deed, October 18, 1822. James Phillips, Justice of Marion County, certifies that Delpha Haguewood signed the above document voluntarily.
Barbara W. Moore, guardian for the minor heirs of Robert B. Moore, deceased, sells to Charles Stovall for $1,600 a tract of land on the East side of Pearl River. Dated December 19, 1822.
Charles Stovall sells to Stephen M. Foxworth for $700 a tract of land on the east side of Pearl R. December 19, 1822. Certification of above deed and renouncement of Lucy Stovall's right to that property. Dated December 21, 1822
November 25, 1822 Richard Conn & Mary Conn, his wife, sell to Thomas Riley for $600 a tract of land.
January 25, 1822 Benjamin Rawls, for the love and affection for his son Bryant, gives to the child one Negro boy named Jacob. Witness; Martin Lewis & John Grice.
Benj. Rawls for love and affection for his daughter Sally gives to her one Negro girl. Dated January 25, 1822. Witness; Martin Lewis and John Grice.
Benjamin Rawls for love and affection to his daughter Elizabeth gives to her a Negro girl, a featherbed and furniture, a Negro woman, a horse as her part of the estate. Dated November 11, 1822. Witness; Martin Lewis and William Hunt.
January 25, 1822 Benjamin Rawls for love and affection gives to his daughter Ann a Negro girl. Witness; Martin Lewis and John Grice.
Benjamin Rawls for love and affection gives to his son Jabus a Negro boy January 25, 1822.
Benjamin Rawls for love and affection for his son Benjamin a Negro boy. Dated January 25, 1822. Witness; Martin Lewis and John Grice.
Certification of above deed.
Benjamin Rawls for love and affection for his daughter Susanna gives a Negro girl, January 25, 1822.
Benjamin Rawls Sr. and Elizabeth Rawls, his wife, sell to Jabus Rawls for $1,000 a parcel of land. Dated November 15, 1822. Witness; Martin Lewis and Charles Rawls. Certified by James Rawls, J.P.
Richard Graves sells to Moses Starnes for $400 two lots in the town of Columbia. Dated June 29, 1822. Richard Graves sells to Moses Starnes for $81 a town lot in Columbia, March 5, 1822. Certification of above deed of conveyance to Moses Starnes.
Bond: David Ford, Jeptha Duke, Gilbert Stovall are bound to Walter Leake for $2,000, March 17, 1823. David Ford appointed and commissioned County surveyor.
Bond: William Mellon, James McGowen, Simeon Duke are bound to Walter Leake for $2,000, February 19, 1823. William Mellon appointed Notary Public. Void if he does not serve.
Bond: Thomas C. Patterson, Laughlin McLaurin, Noel Monroe are bound to Walter Leake for $500. Thomas C. Patterson appointed constable, void if he does not serve. Dated December 5, 1822.
Bond: Jeptha Duke, Simeon Duke, Elijah Milbourne are bound unto James Phillips for $5,000. Dated December 9, 1822. Jeptha Duke appointed County treasurer.
Stephen Noble willed to Sarah Noble (wife) Negro slave woman for life, June 25, 1823. Verification of subscribing witnesses to foregoing document, William F. Nobles and George Birdwell, before Gilbert Stovall, C.C.C.
Simeon Duke, Thomas C. Patterson, and Charles Stovall are bound for $6000, dated August 12, 1823. Simeon Duke elected sheriff on August 4 and shall collect all fines and monies and perform all duties.
James Phillips, presiding justice, approved Thomas C. Patterson and Charles Stovall, securities to foregoing bond.
Samuel Harper and Charles Stovall and Josiah Newsome are bound unto Walter Leake for $300, dated September 8, 1823. Samuel Harper elected and commissioned coronor, Marion County. Approval of C. Stovall and Josiah Newsome as securities to the above office bond. James Phillips, Presiding Justice, September 8, 1823. Certification of Samuel Harper as coronor, oath administered by James Phillips. Recorded by Gilbert Stovall, September 11, 1823.
Daniel Epps appointed son Edward Epps true and lawful attorney to get Negro fellow, John, out of jail by all legal means.
William F. Smith, Esq., a Justice, had appearing before him Robert G. Fennie to substantiate foregoing document of Daniel Epps.
Before John Gotea, Clerk of County, Daniel Epps acknowledged he signed document voluntarily. Filed by Gilbert Stovall. Financial statements of County Treasurer, 1823.
Ezekiel White, Charles Stovall, and Hugh McGowen are bound to Walter Leake for $700. Ezekiel White appointed constable, void if he does not serve. Oath taken by Ezekiel White, administered by James Phillips, presiding justice. Recorded by Gilbert Stovall.
Indenture made July 18, 1823, between William White and wife Sarah of Lawrence County, and Henry Hineger and Jeptha Duke $1500 paid by Hineger and Duke for quarter lot of land west of Pearl River, 160 acres granted by U. S. government to William White as the assignee of Helen Jenkins on July 2, 1822. Witness; William F. Noble, James Thigpen, Wm. Nale.
Before Wm. Nale, Justice of County Court, William White verified he signed foregoing deed. Wife of William White was questioned privately and verified she signed deed willingly before Wm. Nale, J.C.C.
Harmon M. Runnels, clerk of County Court of Lawrence County, Miss., certified that William Nale, Esqr., has attested the acknowledgment of said deed, is an acting associate justice of the County Court in and for said County and that clarification and credit as such to be had and given to acts as such. Dated July 18, 1823. Deed filed in office December, 1823, duly recorded January 10, 1824, by Gilbert Stovall.
Simeon Duke, John Lott, Sr., and Charles Stovall are bound to Walter Leake for $4,000, dated March 23, 1824. Simeon Duke is to be assessor and collector of taxes.
Simeon Duke sworn into office by Gilbert Stovall, March 23, 1824.
John Lott and Charles Stovall approved as securities for Bond. Recorded March 26, 1824, Gilbert Stovall.
Anna Strong willed to son John Strong a Negro wench, Peg, a girl 13; a girl named Lillan, 10; boy Dave, 4 years old; and their increase. Dated February 9, 1815. Witness; Thomas G. Strong, David Sumerall. David Summerall verifies he saw foregoing deed signed voluntarily. Sworn to before James Phillips, presiding Justice, Marion County. Deed recorded May 26, 1824 by Gilbert Stovall
Jesse Guy and Luke Conerly for $300 sell Isaac Roberts, Jr., one Negro boy slave Charles, 10 years old. Dated February 9, 1824. Mellabe Rials one of subscribing witnesses to above bill of sale, state that he saw the above named Jesse Guy, Mary Guy, and Luke Conerly, sign, seal, and deliver the same to Isaac Roberts, Jr. Filed May 2, 1824.
Samuel Miles for $200 paid by Samuel Miles Negro girl slave, Esther, 5 years old. Dated May 4, 1824. Witness; William Newsome and John Shivers. William Newsome verified seeing above deed transacted. Recorded June 23, 1824, by Gilbert Stovall.
Amos Granberry and Thomas Rogers and Samuel Rawling are bound to Walter Leake for $500, dated July 20, 1824. Amos Granberry will be constable. Recorded September 12, 1824. Amos Granberry sworn to faithfully discharge duties before James Phillips. Recorded September 14, 1824.
December 17, 1823 Samuel Perkins and his wife Penelope to James Pittman for $1140 quarter section, section 10 of township 2 of range 13, 160 acres. Isam Pittman and Nathan Pittman verified legality of foregoing indenture. Recorded September 15, 1824
William Jenkins, John Kellar, and Christopher Bert are bound to Walter Leake for $500, dated October 4, 1824. William Jenkins shall become constable. Sacurities approved October 5, 1824, James Phillips.
Oath of office taken by William Jenkins, October 4, 1824, before James Phillips. Recorded December 15, 1824, by Gilbert Stovall.
Henry G. Rogers, Absalon Johnston and Thomas C. Patterson are bound to Walter Leake for $500, dated October 4, 1824. Henry G. Rogers shall become Constable.
Henry G. Rogers takes oath of office before James Phillips. Recorded December 15, 1824
Barbara W. Moore to Luther Preston for $500 a tract of land on east side of Pearl River containing 320 acres. Dated October 4, 1824. Signed before James Phillips, Justice.
Simeon Duke, Charles Stovall, and Samuel Harper are bound to Walter Leake for $4,000, dated March 9, 1825. Simeon Duke appointed and commissioned as assessor and collector of taxes for Marion County.
Securities approved for foregoing bond before James Phillips.
Simeon Duke is sworn into office. Office bond filed March 29, 1825; recorded June 4, 1825 by Gilbert Stovall.
August 17, 1824 Robert Baylor to Walter W. New for $4382.37 for 20 Negroes. Witness; John H. Norton, John McGowen. John H. Norton appeared before Gilbert Stovall and swore to the validity of the foregoing document. Dated February 9, 1825. Recorded April 1, 1825
William Millon, C. Stovall, and Hugh McGowan are bound to James Phillips for $5,000, dated April 15, 1825. William Millon on April 5, 1825, commissioned treasurer of Marion County for 2 years.
Securities approved by James Phillips, April 15, 1825. Wm. Millon takes oath of office on April 15, 1825. Recorded June 16, 1825.
Lewis Jones and N. McGowen and William Owens are bound to Walter Leake for $700, dated May 20, 1825. Lewis Jones appointed constable. Securities approved May 26, 1825. Recorded June 16, 1825.
Thomas Cox and William Cox are bound to Walter Leake for $700, dated June 4, 1825. Thomas Cox appointed constable. Oath of office taken by Thomas Cox before James Phillips.
December 1, 1823, Dougal McLaughlin to Thomas Downing for $174 land on west side of Pearl River, Range 14. Witness; John Ragan, Benjamin Lee. Merry Barcey had Mrs. Elizabeth McLoughlin, wife of Dugald McLoughlin, privately questioned; she voluntarily relinquishes all claims on above land.
Alfred C. Moore, Benjamin Lee and Charles Stovall are bound to Walter Leake for $6,000, dated August 15, 1825. Alfred C. Moore duly elected sheriff. Securities approved August 5, 1825, by James Phillips.
Robert Baylor bequeaths to daughter Countyenay N. New property Negro Jack, wagon, five horses, plow gears, plows, tools, etc., animals, household furniture and articles because moving. Deed signed and delivered to Countyney before Wm. H. Cox, J.P. Recorded September 21, 1825
Robert Baylor gives granddaughter Eliza Washington from Kentucky a Negro girl 14 years of age named Becky and her issue. Dated August 9, 1825. Witness; John W. McGowen and James McGowen. Notarized August 15, 1825, before Wm. H. Cox. Recorded September 21, 1825.
Robert Baylor gives to daughter Countyenay N. New three slaves. Dated August 15, 1825; recorded September 21, 1825
Henry Askew said that a certain promissory note given by James Phillips for $38.75, dated January 24, 1825, is lost, destroyed, mislaid, cannot be produced. Sworn April 16, 1825.
I, Simeon Duke, do swear to take the census of Marion County according to law, April 6, 1825. Recorded September 25, 1825.
James Philips, Jr., to John Cooper for $600 for land, 160 acres, dated February 14, 1825, before James Phillips. Sarah Philip, wife of James Philip, Jr., was questioned if she was giving voluntary relinquishment of dower on land in foregoing deed. Recorded December 10, 1825, Gilbert Stovall.
October 11, 1825 Samuel Lard to Marcus E. Carter for $300 two tracts of land, east half of northwest quarter of section No. 23. Signed before James Phillips. Recorded January 5, 1826.
June 29, 1825 James Rawls $1,000 paid for land to John Ford Sr for 171 acres in section 11 in Township 1 and Range 18, granted John Ford April 2, 1821. Witness; David Ford and Washington Ford. Signed by John Ford and Catherine Ford. Catherine Ford, wife of John Ford, privately questioned, voluntarily relinquished claim to land. October 21, 1825.
$1,000 from Ebenezer Ford to Elias Ford for five Negroes for life. Dated December 15, 1824. Witness; S. Duke and H. McNeese. Hector McNeese appeared before William Barnes and testified that he saw Elias Ford assign the foregoing bill of sale, September 21, 1825. Recorded January 10, 1826.
Louisa Ford appointed Thomas Anders as attorney. Dated February 1, 1825.
Statement of Belfield Wrinn, Clerk of County Court, that Bennet M. Hines is an acting Justice of the Peace. February 1, 1826
Simeon Duke, Thomas Reily, and Charles Stovall are bound to David Holmes for $4,000, dated April 5, 1826. Simeon Duke appointed to Governor assessor and collector of taxes. Recorded 16th April, 1826.
October 5, 1825 Vincent Murphey to Ralph Stovall for $600 for land, lots numbers 4 and 15. Susan F. Murphey relinquished all claim on land. Recorded April 16, 1826.
Lewis Williamson and wife Elizabeth to William Ward for $200 land in n.w. quarter of section 13, township 2. Lewis Williamson and Elizabeth Williamson appeared before Powhatan Ellis to prove that land belonged to them and that it was being voluntarily released in bill of sale. July 28, 1825; recorded April 16, 1826.
December 2, 1825 John Strong, Jr., and Delany Strong, his wife, to Thomas Davis for $300 a lot of land 160 acres, n.w. quarter of section 34, township 3, range 13. Witness; Thomas Reily, John Adams. Recorded April 16, 1826
William McRae sold to William Cox for $600 two half quarter sections of land, 160 acres, January 20, 1826. Recorded April 26, 1826.
Eugene Magee deed to Ralph Stovall for $300 land, being No. 6, Main and Sec. St. dated February 4, 1826. Magee acknowledged indenture before Hugh McGowen, Ass. J.P. Martha Jane Magee relinquished all claim of dower on above property. Dated February 9, 1826; recorded April 26, 1826. J. Caldwell, J.P.
Benjamin Davis deed to Martin Lewis for $400 land on west side of Pearl River, S.E. quarter, Sec. 33, Township 9, Range 12, dated March 7, 1826. Recorded April 26, 1826, by Gilbert Stovall.
May 4, 1826 Alexander Freeland for love and affection toward children, John & George Freeland, and Edward Lucas, son of daughter Rebecca Lucas, grants unto son John 1 Negro boy Isaac, 14; and my son George Freeland 7 Negroes; and unto the said Edward Lucas one Negro girl named Love about 13 years old, all with their increase to my heirs and assigns forever. To George I give a mare and colt and one 3 yearold horse with my stock of cattle and hogs with their increase. Dated June 1, 1826; recorded June 1, 1826, by Gilbert Stovall.
September 19, 1825 John Ervin deed to John Ford, Sr. for $1,000 249 acres of land. Signed, sealed, delivered in presence of David Ford, Alfred G. Moore. David Ford verified witnesses in foregoing deed, July 25, 1826.
July 1, 1826 Daniel Dockery deed to William Lowe for $150 land in Lot no. 13 on Main Street. Daniel Dockery appeared before N. P. William Millon and stated that he had signed, sealed, and delivered the deed for purposes therein specified. Dated July 1, 1826; recorded August 10, 1826.
November 3, 1822 Joseph Ford deed to John Ford for $100 120 acres of land in no. 26 township 1, range 14 east. Witness; Sampson E. Ball, David Ford.
Received from John Ford 1 Negro man Jim, one Negro woman named Jane, one Negro girl named Sophie, one Negro man named Harry, one Negro boy named Ellic, one Negro girl named Mary Ann. I promise to deliver to said Ford, his assigns, etc., when called for if living. I agree to pay tax for said Negroes while with me. This 3rd of January, 1821. I also agree to deliver increase of said Negroes. Signed John Ford, Jr. Recorded August 28, 1826, by Gilbert Stovall.
Received of John Ford 1 Negro woman named Darkie, one Negro woman named Chany, one Negro boy named Isaac, one Negro child named Ben, one Negro child Tamor, 1 Negro child Morning, which said Negroes I promise to deliver to said Ford when called for if living. I will pay the taxes for said Negroes while with me. January 3, 1821. I also agree to deliver the increase of said Negroes if any as above. Signed by John Ervin.
October 3, 1826 Indenture between William Owens and James Phillips. William Owens has two promissory notes bearing dates October 3, 1826, and another payable on 1 January 1829, each for the sum of $550. Wm. Owens in consideration of debt of $1100 owing to said James Phillips, Jr., gives tract of land in east fractional section number 7, as guarantee of payment. If not paid, Phillips will take possession. Above mortgage filed in office on October 3, 1826, recorded in Book B, October 6, 1826, James Phillips, Dept. Clerk.
July 3, 1823 Miles Harper deed to John Ford for $1000 land, 160 acres, N.E. Quarter of section 21, township 1, range 14, east, being tract of land granted to Miles Harper October 8, 1820. Witness; Sampson E. Ball, John Ervin. Samatha Harper, wife of said Miles Harper, was duly examined and stated that she was voluntarily releasing her claim to the land in the foregoing deed. Recorded October 5, 1826.
January 13, 1823 Miles Harper deed to John Ford for $800 tract of land in State of Tenn. on north side of Duck River, purchased by Miles Harper from Joseph Herndon, it being a part of a 4000 acre tract granted by state of North Carolina to Benjamin Herndon, grant No. 78. Witness; Hector Buchan and David Ford. Samatha Harper, wife of Miles Harper, relinquished dower. Dated September 21, 1825, recorded October 15, 1826
For $1200.22, I Ebenezer Ford sells to John Ford six Negroes, dated January 1, 1825. Witness; David Ford. Slaves by name were Daniel, Moppi, Flora, Margery, William and Daniel.
Phillip Keller for love good will and affection to son Henry Keller 3 Negro slaves: Lydia, Ben, and York. Dated September 28, 1826. Witness; James Barnes & George Singletary.
Thomas Futch to Nathan P. Smart for $350 260 acres of land in the district west of Pearl River. Dated November 20, 1826. Witness; Thomas J. Futch, John W. Ball, D. H. Warren
January 27, 1827 Thomas Ford and his wife Mary to Thomas Keiley for $700 tract containing 160 acres on west side of Pearl River.
Thomas Futch & Elizabeth Futch his wife to Benjamin Grantham for $320 a tract containing 160 acres on west side of Pearl River. Dated December 5, 1826. Witness; John Smart, Jesse Crawford.
Thomas Futch & Elizabeth Futch his wife for $320 to Jesse Crawford in the District of Washington, State of Mississippi a tract containing 158 acres 90/100. Dated December 5, 1826. Witness; John Smart & Benjamin Grantham.
Charles Rawls for $150 to Daniel Thompson a tract containing 160 acres. Dated October 28, 1826. Witness; Jabus Rawls and Alfred Fatheree.
July 1, 1826 William Lowe to Daniel Dockery for $150 town lot in Columbia #13 on Main Street; $100 before January 1 and $50 before July 1. Witness; William K. Wilson Recorded February 16, 1827 by Gilbert Stovall, clerk of County
Alfred G. Moore, Sheriff, by 9 writs of Fiere Facias:
(1) for the sum of $407.90 to satisfy judgment of Stephen Blackwell against Charles Stovall for nonperformance of certain promises with interest on said sum the 5th day of April, 1825, until paid also $14.90 1/2 for accounts & charges, etc.
(2) $2168.67 Hyde & Merritt, same as above for October 2, 1826 with $7.87 1/2 charges.
(3) $1370.70 to Ralph Stovall for May 5, 1826 with $1.50 charges.
(4) $959 Merry Bracey, adm. de bones non, received from Charles Stovall and William Mellon from October 2, 1826, with $13.12 1/2 charges.
(5) $543.77 Merry Bracey, adm. de bones non, received from Stovall and Hugh McGowan, October 2, 1826, with $13.12 1/2 charges
(6) $190.54 M. Bracey from Stovall & John Lott, October 2, 1826, with $13.02 1/2 charges
(7) $139.18 Ebenezer Ford, adm. October 1, 1826, with $14.12 1/2 charges
(8) $303.50 Andrew & George Elliott, August 12, 1825, with $15.75
(9) $126.57 1/2 William & Levi Noble adm., August 13, 1825, with $15 charges.
That goods and chattels, Lands, and tenements of Charles Stovall and the other defendants should cause to be made the sums of money as they are above recited to satisfy the plaintiffs herein moved and to have those monies before the said County on 1st Monday of April next.
Land west fractional section 34, t4, r12; No. 24, t4, r19; No. 36, T4, R10, on East side of Pearl River; No 76, T4, R13, a fractional section s. of 26 in same section. Also lots # 5, 14, 23, 32 on Broad Street; #6, 13, 24, 31 on 2nd Street; # 6, 13, 24, 31 on same Street
in Columbia. Negroes and mulatto slaves Tom, Reubin, Lory, Cato, July Reddick, Will, Randall, Lewis, Paris, Phely, Sophia, Amelia, Eliza, Abraham, Matilda, Lucinda, Amy, Delpha, Little Tom, George, Mary, Laura, Louisa, Joe, Patty, Little Joe, John, Anny, Maria, & Pompey; stock of animals; 100 head of horned cattle, 100 hogs, 4 mules, 1 grey horse, furniture, etc. sold to Ralph Stovall by A. S. Moore, Sheriff for $7,560. Witness; W. S. Duke and A. J. Bracey
January 24, 1827 Samuel Rowland to John Nixon for $500 a lot of land S.W. quarter of section 24, T5, R14, west. Witness; Benjamin Pope and Dolphin Pope. Recorded March 13, 1827.
January 29, 1827 Samuel Rowland to John Nixon for $20 lot south half of west half quarter, section 24, T5, R14w (dividing line about 20 yards from where John Slade lives) containing 50 acres. Witness; Benj. and Dolphin Pope. John Kellar, a justice of the peace, certifies that Nancy, wife of Samuel Rowland, voluntarily relinquished dower. Dated January 29, 1827
Alfred G. Moore, Wm. A. Moore, Ansel Powell the husband of Claudia Moore, Charles G. Kimball the husband of Eliza Ann Moore, heirs of George Moore deceased of North Carolina, Robeson County, agree to equally divide property given by a deed to above heirs by their father one Negro woman named Alce and her increase and the sale to the highest bidder among heirs. Willis A. Moore, the youngest child of George Moore deceased, minor, was an equal heir, his share under direction of his mother, Elizabeth M. until he becomes of age. Dated February 23, 1827.
Bond: Simeon Duke, Thomas C. Patterson, and Alfred G. Moore are bound to Gerard G. Brandon, Governor of Mississippi, for $4000, March 27, 1827. Duke is to be assessor of taxes.
Bond: John Alexander, Wm. Lott, Alfred S. Moore bound to Wm. Spencer for $6000, dated June 25, 1827. John Alexander appointed County Treasurer
Bond: John Alexander, Alfred G. Moore, & Arthur Lott are bound to Brandon, Governor of Mississippi, for $5000, dated June 26, 1827. Alexander appointed ?? for Marion County. Recorded June 28, 1827.
Frederic Friday and Rebecca Friday for natural love and affection which they bear to Thomas Friday, Martin Friday, Allen Friday, Calvin Friday, and Elizabeth Friday 50 head of cattle, 30 or 40 head hogs mark smooth crop in one ear and a smooth crop and split in the other and household furniture held by Rebecca Friday. Dated August 24, 1827 in presence of Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Recorded August 24, 1827.
July 18, 1827 Reason Burns deed to William Graham for $2,000 tract of land 11 N.W. 10, T3, R13E, 160 acres and E. half of N.E. quarter of S9, T3, R13E, 80 acres west of Pearl River. Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Recorded August 30, 1827
Bond: Quiney Lewis, Martin Lewis, John Rawls, Benjamin Lee, and John Ryan bound to Gerard Brandon, Governor of Miss., for $6000, dated August 14, 1827. Quiney Lewis elected to position of sheriff. Oath of Quiney Lewis, August 14, 1827
August 26, 1822 Benjamin Rawls deed to Daniel Thompson for $1,000 land T1, R 17, 100 acres bounded by Bryant Rawls, west by Wm. Barnes, south by River and demarcation land, east by a line from mouth of Hurts Creek, land purchased from William Hurt. Witness; William Barnes, Ebenezer Ford Jr. Recorded August 17, 1827
Dugald McLaughlin deed to Jesse Crawford for $200 East half of S.W. quarter of sec 25, T 2 of R 13 E., 80.12 acres also E. half of N.W. quarter of sec 36, T2, R 13 E, 79.90 acres. Witness; Alexander Graham and Talmon Barritt. Sworn by A. Graham before John Regen, ass. Justice. Dated May 12, 1827; recorded December 31, 1827.
February 5, 1822 Dougald McLaughlin, planter, to Florah Graham, Archibald Graham, and Alexander Graham for $500 land on East side of Pearl River S.W. quarter, Sec 23, T 2, R 18 W, S. E. corner of N.E. quarter, section 23, T 2, R 18 W, bounded by Spring Branch, 20 acres. Witness; Geo. Nassmon and Malcom Blue. Recorded January 1, 1828.
Frederick Greenleaf and Nazareth (?) Wallace appeared before Gilbert Stovall, J.P. and said the: never told Samuel E. Cooper that Joshua Seal told them that William T. Lenoir burned the mill of James McGowen. Dated September 29, 1827; recorded January 1, 1828.
Jesse Mixon deed to Cornelius Loften minor and John Mixon. Cornelius and John agree to give their father Jesse Mixon use and labour of following Negroes: Tabby, Cecilia, Dick, Tamony during his natural life. He is to pay taxes on the Negroes and if Jesse dies before wife Elizabeth she is to have use of them as long as she "housekeeps." Witness; David Ford and John Pope Sworn by John Pope before John Kellar on September 24, 1827; recorded January 1, 1828, Gilbert Stovall, C.C.
Thomas Watts Sr. of Covington County, because moving and for natural love and affection towards Arthur Lott of Marion Co. Negro man Stepney 37 years of age. Dated October 17, 1827. Witness; Reuben Watts Sr. and Jesse Lott, Jr. Covington County Appeared before Norvall Robertson J.P. Thomas Watts and swore to above deed. October 17, 1827.
July 20, 1827 Gilbert Stovall Clerk of County and Probate County to William Owens for $20, a town lot in Columbia bounded west by Water Street south by 2nd Street and #29 on Town Plan. Recorded January 1, 1827, Gilbert Stovall Clerk
November 5, 1827 John Keller and wife Hannah Keller deed to Samuel Rowland for $85, East half of N.W. quarter section 3, T 3, R 17 W, on East corner running 1/4 mile W, thence N. to Little River. Witness; Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Hannah Kellar relinquished dower before Stovall January 19, 1828
August 2, 1827 Joseph A. Davis of Adams County deed to Moses Starnes and Nancy his wife of Marion County for $200, 100 acres in Marion section 26, T 5, R 12 E, a line parallel to the South line of said fractional section. Witness; Gilbert Stovall. Recorded January 1, 1828
John Quincy Adams, President of the United States
Joel Easterling of Marion County had deposited in General Land Office a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at St. Stephens; pay has been made on S.E. quarter of section 21, T 3, of R 18 W, containing 159 acres 96 1/4/100 of the land directed to be sold at St. Stephens, Alabama. Dated May 25, 1825; recorded in Vol. 14, Page 324 Recorded January 4, 1828, Gilbert Stovall, Clerk
January 3, 1828 Joel Easterling and his wife Charlotte of Marion to the Heirs of Nicholas Powell, deceased, for $500 the tract of land in ?? preceding patent. Witness; Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Recorded January 4, 1828
January 5, 1828 John Alexander deed to Henry Latham for $350 one acre adjoining town of Columbia and fronting lot #10, on the North, also fronting Main Street on the East and alley on the west; 1/2 acre north of said lot adjoining Main road leading from Columbia to the mineral Springs which acre is laid off in 2 half acre lots adjoining Pierce on north, Josephus Simmons on south. Witness; Charles D. Learned, Gilbert Stovall, J.P.
Robert Lott, Sr., has lost or mislaid a note drawn by John T. Spencer on April 6, 1824 for $24 and some cents endorsed by Hugh McGowen. Sworn before Gilbert Stovall, J.P. on November 11, 1827
March 20, 1828 William Owens of Marion County, MS., to Benjamin Lee. Owens by his promissory note bearing date of March 20, 1828 for $550 payable January 1, 1829. Owens in consideration of debt to this account of between $900 and $1000 for goods, ware, and merchandise, delivers a tract of land, an original survey in section 7, T 3, R 18 W, also a certain town lot #13, bounded south by public square, by Main Street on East and SE part of lot running west ninety feet, thence north 120 feet and east 90 feet to Main Street. Witness; Solomon Lott and Ansel Powell. Recorded March 29, 1828
James Phillips, Sr., for $75 to Joshua Lott a farm or piece of land on Phillips now resides. February 7, 1828. Witness; Henry and John Kellar Recorded April 9, 1828.
February 11, 1828 John Tomlinson Executor to the last will of Thomas S. Collins, deceased, deed to William McGowen for $1300 original survey in St. Stephens, Alabama, Section 23, T 4, R 19 W, 200 acres. Witness; Gilbert Stovall Recorded April 9, 1828
February 4, 1828 Jonathan Bass to Isaac Newsome for $100 land N.E. quarter of section 14, T 5, R 18 W, Virginia survey. Witness; M. E. Carter, J.P. Recorded April 9, 1828, Gilbert Stovall, Clerk of County
Thomas Gibson for a good and sufficient consideration to William Graham all interest to claim on S.E. quarter, Section 4, T 3, R 13 E, 150 55/100 acres. Dated February 12, 1828; Recorded March 18, 1828. Witness; Reason and Hannah Burns.
March 31, 1828 John G. Rosett to Charles Y. Kimball and Jacob Pope for $40 a tract or parcel of land in the Territory of Arkansas known in Virginia survey of General Land Office of United States for 160 acres; North East part of Section 36, T 10 N, R 5 W, in tract appropriated for military bounties. Witness; G. Stovall, J.P.
Bond: Copiah County, Mississippi; Thomas Riley of Marion is bound to Thomas Ford for $2000, dated January 8, 1828. He is to make a good title to a tract lying in Marion County to Thomas Ford. Sold to Thomas Riley January 27, 1827
West half of South East 1/4 of section 21, Tl, R 14 E. Witness; John Pietetear and Jesse Thompson. Recorded April 19, 1828
James Gill and Cynthia his wife deed to Lewis Williamson for $600 land in S.E. quarter of sec. 14, T 2, R 18 W, 160 acres. Witness; Levy Fetheree, Stephen Applewhite. James Gill acknowledged deed October 27, 1828, before Ephraim Nicholls, J.P.
Bond: Thomas Ponder and Hugh McGowen are bound to Gerard Brandon, acting Governor, for $500, dated December 25, 1827. Ponder appcinted constable
George Knight and Marcus E. Carter are bound to Gerard Brandon for $500, dated March 13, 1828. Knight is to be constable. Recorded April 27, 1828.
James R. Benford of Halifax County, North Carolina, for love and affection and services rendered to me by Lucy Collins to her a Negro girl Vina aged 11 years. Sworn in Marion County before Gilbert Stovall by Benford on May 7, 1828
Bond: Simeon Duke, Silas Drake, and Sterling Powell bound to Gerard Brandon, Governor of MS., for $4,000, dated April 11, 1828. Duke commissioned Assessor.
Woodford Owens of Limestone County, Alabama, deed to William Owens for $550 Negroe's, woman named Maria 19 years and her one child a mulatto girl named Harriet. Dated February 4, 1828. Witness; James Owens. Recorded May 26, 1828.
Bond: William Roach, Simeon Duke, Quinea Lewis are bound to Gerard Brandon for $2,000, dated June 2, 1828. Roach is County surveyor. Recorded June 3, 1828.
Bond: Thomas C. Patterson, James Owens, Johnson Silverberg, Ansel Powell, Simeon Duke and William McGowen are bound to Brandon for $4,000, dated June 2, 1828. Patterson commissioned collector of taxes. Recorded June 3, 1828
May 7, 1828 Received of Mrs. Lucy Collins late tutoriss of the estate of Barksdale Y. Stateham of the state of Louisiana, Washington Parish, for the heirs of B. Y. Stateham, $300 for a Negro girl Vina 11 years, which day I have sold Lucy Collins. Signed James R. Benford. Recorded August 5, 1828
Bond: William Lott, David Ford and Solomon Lott bound to Gerard Brandon, Governor of MS., for $5000, dated July 14, 1828. William Lott appointed Escheator. Recorded August 14, 1822.
William Lott, David Ford and Solomon Lott bound for $10,000, dated July 14, 1828. William Lott appointed County treasurer. Recorded August 14, 1828
James Mikell and Peggy his wife deed to David Ford for $1500 172 acres land. Dated February 23, 1822.
James Phillips Sr. for love to daughter Sarah Lee a Negro woman slave 39 years old by name of Hager. She will remain in the possession of James Phillips and Nancy Phillips but at their decease go to Sarah. Dated June 27, 1828. Witness; Joshua Lott and Sarah Phillips. Testimony of Joshua Lott to above deed before John Kellar, June 29, 1828. Recorded August 14, 1828.
Merry Bracey for $350 deed to Allen Barnes slaves, Hammett 45, Joan his wife 40, Tempy 15, Cork 13, Isaac 11, Masadora 9, Mellicent 9, Washington 5, and infant child, Phillander 30, Lucretia 30, Joe 15, all sound and healthy. Dated August 10, 1828. Witness; James Atkinson and D. McLaughlin. James Atkinson testified to above before Gilbert Stovall. Recorded December 13, 1828.
Allen Barnes deed to Edward Lee for $3500 the Negro slaves named in deed preceding. Dated December 30, 1828. Witness; Gilbert Stovall and James Atkinson. Allen Barnes acknowledged deed, Decembeer 30, 1828. Recorded December 31, 1828.
June 3, 1828 Thomas Reiley deed to Thomas Ford of Copiah County for $700 a tract of land on Pearl River N.E. quarter of section 21, T 1, R 14 E, 160 acres; and section 22 and 15 in T 1, R 14 E, 360 64/100 acres; also W. half of S.E. quarter of section 21, T 1, R 14 E. Witness; Thomas Pleasant and Seth Granberry ATCC (?) Copiah County. Thoman Reily acknowledged deed before Seth Granberry.
Ephraim Bates swears that he has lost a note on Isaac Newsome for $65 payable January 1, 1829, dated some time April or March 1828. Also another one on Levy Bass for $11.25 payable January 1, 1829, dated November, 1828, payable to Jonathan Bass. Sworn before G. Stovall J.P. December 23, 1828.
January 5, 1829 Jabus Rawls and Kesiah Rawls his wife deed to Ebenezer Ford for $550 land situated N.E. quarter of fractional section No. ? deeded by William Hunt to Benjamin Rawls Sr. Supposed to contain 109 acres bounded S. by Hunts Creek, E. by U.S. land, N. by land of Rawls and W. by Ford. Also N. 1/2 of the SW quarter of section 28, bounded W. by above described tract. Witness; H. Basser and Benjamin Rawls, Jr.
August 5, 1828 James Rawls and Sarah his wife deed to Levi Fatheree for $21 the S.E. quarter, section 12, T 1, R 18, containing 7 acres. Witness; John Ford and John W. Hunt.
March 10, 1828 Everett Lee and Charlotte Lee his wife deed to John Barnes for $300 a piece of land N 1/2 section of fractional section 19, T 1, R 17 W; that is to say to divide said fractional section by a line from the half mile post on the W. to line, containing 320 acres. Bounded by John Applewhite, West by Jacob Pope, South by James Lee, and East by John Pope. Witness; William Pope, J.P.
January 22, 1829 Samuel Simpson and Sarah Simpson his wife deed to William T. Lenoir for $500 cash in hand tract of land known as the fractional quarter of fractional section 16, T 4, R 13, and S.E. 8th of the same section or all of said fractional section 187 acres. No witnesses. Recorded January 26, 1829, Gilbert Stovall Clerk
Copiah County: John Strong Sr. sells to Josiah Holmes of Marion a tract of 160 acres, N.W. quarter section 18, T 3, R 13 E. Witness; John Strong and Mary his wife. Dated January 15, 1829 before Elisha Grundee, J.P. William Barnes, Clerk of Copiah County, certifies above.
Joshua Seal Sr. deed to Sterling Powell for $400 the N.E. quarter of section 18, T 2, R 14 E, 160 acres. Dated April 7, 1827, before Jesse Crawford, J.P. Recorded January 31, 1829.
North Carolina, Cumberland County Mark Russell for love and affection to daughter Catherine McAlpin and her children a Negro girl 15 years of age named Peggy. Dated April 8, 1825. Witness; Susan Russell. Luke Conerly, Marion County, swears this to be Russell's handwriting to the "best of his knowledge." January 7, 1828, Gilbert Stovall C.C.
Bond: James Atkinson, William Lott, Edward Englehard are bound to Governor Brandon for $6000, dated March 3, 1829. Atkinson is commissioned collector of taxes.
Bond: Simeon Duke, Edward Englehard, and Thomas C. Patterson are bound to Governor Brandon for $4,000, dated March 3, 1829. Duke is assessor for taxes.
James Thigpen and Martha his wife deed 160 acres to Nathan Pittman for $750. December 11, 1828. Witness; Jesse Crawford. Martha Thigpen relinquishes dower, recorded December 12, 1828.
Isaac D. Newsome has agreed to pay Rutelius R. Pray the sum of $500 for defending him in case arising out of cutting one Cooper and he advanced the sum of $42 and promises to pay account that is standing with Englehard and Silverburg and Lee and Atkinson. He is to receive money from estate of Father, March 16, 1829. Signed by Josiah Newsome. Witness; J. Silverberg and James Atkinson
Requirement of the Commissioner of Public Buildings of Marion County to settle with and deliver all public property which may remain in his hands. Dated January 1, 1829. Same as preceding deeds Stovall to Charles Learned for $11, a town lot.
February 11, 1828 Daniel Thompson and Susan his wife deed to Ebenezer Ford for $400 land 2 east quarters of section 29, T 1, R 17 W, bounded north by U.S. land, west by Bryant Rawls and south by William Barnes and east by Jabus Rawls (land purchased from U.S. by Dawson Waters and patent issued to Charles Rawls assignee of Waters #651) also 100 acres being part of a fractional section #31, T 1, R 17 W, bounded north by Bryant Rawls, west by William Barnes, south by River, east by Hunts Creek from the mouth to the marked trees. Witness; John Keller, J.P.
James W. Pittman, James Atkinson, James Barnes, Ansel Powell and Allen Barnes bound to Gerard C. Brandon, Governor, for $6000, dated August 13, 1829. Pittman elected sheriff.
Jesse Sumrall, Thomas C. Patterson, Hugh McGowen bound to Brandon for $3000, dated August 13, 1829. Sumrall elected coroner.
Quinie Lewis, sheriff, by a writ of Firie Facias from the circuit County of County of Claiborne for $100.22 including costs, etc., to satisfy judgment which Bennet Hinds had recovered against Edward Harson and Daniel Dockery, commanding the sheriff to seize property to that amount which was the town lot in Columbia, W. part of Lot 13, on Main Street. Sold to William Spencer for $122. Dated August 13, 1829.
Bond: Augustus J. Bracey, James Atkinson, and Allen Barnes bound to William Spencer Esqr Probate Justice of County Court for $10,000, dated September 8, 1829. Bracey as of September 8, 1829 is appointed County treasurer.
Mississippi, Copiah County, September 5, 1829 John H. Mallory deed to Isaac R. Nicholson for $1000 tracts of land in Marion County section 29 and 32 in T 3 of R 18 W, 400 and 57 acres and 16/100 of an acre; also section 32 and 33 in T 3, R 18 W, 704 acres and 80/100 of an acre. Grant from U.S. to John H. Mallory.
David and Alice Ford deed 80 acres to Everett Lee for $600 land on Pearl River in the district of lands offered for sale at St. Stephens, AL. Alice Ford relinquishes dower. July 18, 1829
David and Alice Ford his wife deed 319 acres to Everett Lee for $1200 tracts of land in section 35, T 2, R 18 W. 1/2 beginning on Pearl River; Another tract S.W. quarter of section 25, T 2 of R 18 W, 160 acres (of the lands directed to be sold at St. Stephens, Alabama.) Dated July 18, 1829.
September 21, 1829 Thomas Davis and Elizabeth Davis his wife deed 160 acres to Willis Lowe for $200.
June 13, 1829 James Rawls deed to James Clark for $800 160 acres in the N.W. quarter of section 12, T 1, R 18 W. Witness; Ebenezer Ford and Isham Nickols. Sarah Rawls wife of James Rawls relinquishes dower, June 13, 1829, before William Yarborough. Recorded December 23, 1829
November 10, 1829 Daniel Johnston deed 160 acres to Benjamin Rawls for $500 a certain tract of land in Marion County on the waters of Buoy, S.W. quarter of Section 11, T 5, R 14 W . Witness; John Barfield and Hezekiah Slade.
Alexander Lee appeared before William Spencer, Judge, and said that he did transfer to Abraham Lundy a certain parcel or parcels of land lying on the west side of Pearl River formerly entered by Thomas May and transferred to Lee by May. Dated September 30, 1828
William Owens appoints James Owens his lawful attorney to perform business in his name. Dated December 5, 1829.
January 27, 1830 James Owens attorney for William Owens deed to James Atkinson for $1000 paid in the extinguishment of a debt due from said William Owens to Atkinson, surviving partner of Lee and Atkinson tract of land containing 252 acres on East side of Pearl River. Having on it a ferry in the name of Henneger and Lotts Ferry on Pearl River, with all improvement and tenements. Witness; Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Recorded January 30, 1830.
January 26, 1830 James Owens, Attorney for William Owens, deed to James Atkinson for $600 due on debt to the executor of the last will of Benjamin Lee, deceased a tract of land or lot bounded by the public square and E. by Main Street.
Mississippi, Copiah County October 3, 1829 John H. Mallory deed to Ansel Powell of Marion County for $1200 land known as section 29, T 3, R 18 W, containing 402 70/100 acres with all the improvements. Witness; Laurence Flourney and A. G. Moore. Recorded in Book B, page 307, H. Dewhurst, dept. clerk, July 31, 1830
Allen Jenkins and Elizabeth Jenkins his wife sold to Merry Bracey for $2000 the plantation where Jenkins now resides, it being a section of land on Pearl River entered by Benjamin Bagley, 525 acres and two other quarter sections of land adjoining one entered by Thomas Summerall and the other by Jenkins, making 825 acres. Bounded North by James Smiley and Henry Henigar, East by Pearl River and land belonging to David Summerall, South by Benjamin P. May and David Summerall, and West by Jesse Summerall. Witness; A. J. Bracey and Lewis Hagewood. January 23, 1830
James Clark and Agnes his wife deed to Ephraim Nickols for $400 a piece 160 acres of land in N.E. quarter, section 13, T 1, R 18. dated December 26, 1827. Witness; Isham Nickols and Needham Nickols. Agnes Clark relinquished dower before John Rawls, acting Justice of Marion County, 3 April, 1830.
Deed of Mortgage January 22, 1830 Merry Bracey to Levy Tyler, Agent and attorney in fact for the stock holders of the Commercial Bank of Louisville, Kentucky, to be secured for a debt herein mentioned and $1.00 all land in Marion County, section 6, T 2, R 14 E, 422 acres, entered by William Bracey; also N1/2 of Section 36, T 3, R 13 E, 320 acres formerly assigned to Thomas May and Imlee Keep and converted to William Bracey for Merry Bracey; also S.E. Section 36, T 3, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. He borrowed $1,899.58 on notes dated February, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835. Cosigners were A.J. Bracey and Hugh McGowan.
January 22, 1830 Merry Bracey deed to Levi Tyler of Jefferson County, Kentucky, for a debt (same as above) section 24, T 3, R 14 E, containing 505 acres, sold by Allen Jenkins to Bracey.
John Watson and Margaret his wife deed to Ephraim Nichols of Covington County for $1800 the N.W. quarter, section 18, T 1, R 17 W, containing 160 acres; also 2 1/2 of N.W. quarter of section 13, T 1, R 18 W, 80 acres. Land was on south boundary of Levi Fatheree. Dated September 28, 1829.
February 11, 1830 Hugh McGowan and Augustus J. Bracey deed to Charles D. Learned for $200 land formerly known as McGowans Gin Lott bounded on East and South by lands of the estate of General Benjamin Lee, deed. by Pearl River, containing 1 square acre of land; also a town lot in Columbia, #16 on Main Street formerly known as Mellon's Lott, containing 120 square feet.
Simeon Duke, Thomas C. Patterson, and Daniel Duke bound to Brandon, Governor of MS., for $4000, dated March 1, 1830. Simeon Duke has been appointed assessor of taxes.
Oath of Duke, March 1, 1830.
January 11, 1830 John Dear and Effy his wife of Hinds County deed to the heirs of Nicholas Powell for $400 land known as the S 1/2 of N.W. quarter and the S 1/2 of N.E. 1/4 of section 28, T 3, R 18 on Basis Meridian, containing 100 acres of the lands sold at St. Stephens.
John Dear swears to deed before Henry J. Johnston, associate Justice of Hinds County, and Effy Dear relinquishes right of dower before Johnston, January 11, 1830.
James Watson for love and affection to Stepson Stephen Stapleton four cows and four calves, dated October 2, 1830.
Everett Lee deed to Benjamin B. Barnes for $200 tracts of land N. part of fractional section 35, T 2, R 18 W, 319 acres on banks of Pearl River; another tract S.W. 1/4 of section 25, T 2, R 18 W, 160 acres; another tract N. part of W 1/2 of N.W. quarter of section 36 in T 2, R 18. Dated March 29, 1836. Witness; F. T. Collins and William Atkinson.
Everett Lee for love and affection to grandson Benjamin B. Barnes, Negro man called Elic, dated March 29, 1830. Witness; F. T. Collins and William Atkinson
June 30, 1830 Marcus E. Carter deed to Henry Waters for $300 a tract known as the E 1/2 of the N.W. 1/4 of section 23, T 5, R 17 W. Wit; Thomas Allen and Joseph Purvis. Signed by Marcus E and Lydia E. Carter.
June 10, 1830 Samuel Simpson of Lawrence County deed to James Atkinson and Allen Barnes for $570 a town lot in Columbia #1, on Water Street Witness; Charles D. Learned, Gilbert Stovall, J.P. Recorded October 30, 1830.
Bond: James Atkinson, Allen Barnes, and Charles Learned bound to Gerard Brandon, Governor, for $6000, dated June 9, 1830. Atkinson was appointed by the governor collector of taxes.
Bond: George Knight and Nathaniel M. Collins bound to Brandon, Govr., for $500, dated June 8, 1830. Knight appointed constable.
Henry G. Rogers, John Mixon, and Thomas C. Patterson are bound to Brandon, Governor for $500, dated October 9, 1828. Henry Rogers appointed constable.
December 3, 1830 Ralph Stovall deed to James A. Gasquet for $3300 lots in the town of Columbia numbers 5, 14, 23, 32, 6, 13, 24, 31 bounded on the E. by the Public Square and Beef Alley, South by Broad Street, and West by Water Street, North by Second Street. Sworn on December 3, 1830. Sarah Stovall wife of Stovall relinquished her right of dower. Recorded January 11, 1831.
John Adams deed from Newit Coward, 160 acres on west side of Pearl River, T 3, R 13, N.E. 1/4 of section 7, for $300. Dated September 29, 1830. Witness; Thomas Gibson and Anderson Adams. Hannah Coward relinquishes her rights to the property before C. B. Mulford, J.P. November 20, 1830.
William Owens of Blount County, Tennessee deed to beloved neice and nephew Sarah Ann Owens and James Wilson Owens, daughter and son of James Owens of Limestone County, Alabama a Negro man Sam. Dated June 9, 1823. Witness; Fleming Bates, Woodford Owens. Recorded December 15, 1830.
David Owens Negro boy Joseph. Fleming Harris Owens, William Owens, and Robert Owens, sons of James Owens a Negro girl Mary.
To Flemmon B. Owens, son of my brother James Owens. Negro slave named Winney. April 15, 1828. Witness; Thomas C. Patterson, W. B. Patterson, Elijah McPherson. Recorded December 11, 1830.
To nephews William Owens and Robert Owens Negro woman Caty.
To neice Mary H. Owens Negro girl Thesby.
Robert Burton, William Lott, Charles D. Learned, and Augustus J. Berry are bound to Gerard Brandon, Governor, for $5000, dated March 7, 1831. Burton is appointed clerk of County Court.
Brittion Odom for love and because moving to sister Martha Odom, alias Martha Means a slave girl Mary. January 3, 1831. Witness; J. W. Pittman and Wm. McGowan. Recorded March 28, 1831
John Cooper deed to daughter Catherine Willoughby for love and affection two bedsteads, 2 mattresses, 6 tables, 14 chairs, 9 pieces of casting and 2 pair hand irons, cattle and a bay horse. Dated January 4, 1831. Witness; Charles D. Learned, J.P. Recorded March 29, 1831
February, 1830 John Dear adminisator of the estate of Willis Dear, deceased of Simpson County, deed to Ancel Powell for $100 N. 1/2 of N.E. 1/4, and N. 1/2 of N.W. 1/4 of section 28, T 3, R 13 W, containing 160 acres. Before John C. Halford, J.P. Recorded March 29, 1831.
John Q. Spencer deed to Ralph Stovall of Pike County for $880 Negro slaves named Cherry 20 years, Mary 9 years, Charles 4 years, Julia 3 years and one other boy one year. Dated March 22, 1831. Witness; Rutilias B. Pray.
William Livermore deed to Thomas C. Patterson for $600 land known as the N.E. 1/4, section 10, T 3, R 18 W, containing 160 acres by purchase from Henry Ackins paid by note payable to Ebenezer Ford. Dated March 25, 1831. Witness; P. Rutilias Pray. Recd. March 30, 1831.
William Owens deed to Woodford Owens for $665 certain Negroes: Maria 20 years old, Harriett a bright mulatto girl 5 years, Martha 2 years. Dated July 10, 1830. Attest: Robert Owens.
May 26, 1831 Ralph Stovall of Pike County deed to Charles S. Olden of New Orleans for $2500 lots number 4 and 15 in Columbia, bounded on Broad Street, E on Public Square and S by Bone Alley, being the same sold to Hugh McGowan and August J. Berry, to Robert Burton, and Burton to Stovall. Witness; C. D. Learned and Robert Burton. Signed by Gilbert Stovall and Sarah Stovall
Bond: Elijah Sumerall, David Sumerall, and Josiah Ratliff bound to Governor Brandon for $4000, dated June 2, 1831. Elijah Sumerall is to be assessor of taxes. Recorded June 9, 1831
William Owens appeared and made oath that he gave James Owens power to sell property to Atkinson. December 11, 1830
Lucy Stovall alias Lucy Ashton released all claims for herself and heirs to Ralph Stovall of Pike County, June 14, 1831, before Charles D. Learned. Recorded June 21, 1831
Henry C. Ashton of Leon County, FL., releases all claim and quit claim to Ralph Stovall of Pike County, June 14, 1831
Hilliard Fatheree and Charity his wife deed to Archibald Graham for $200 land known as the North part of the N.W. 1/4 of section 10, T 2, R 18 W, containing 145 acres. Charity Fatheree relinquishes rights November 17, 1830.
Proof of John Gordon's citizenship of the United States, dated October 18, 1822. Gorden was 38 years old, black in color, an American seaman. Recorded August 15, 1831.
January 29, 1830 Simeon Duke and Mary Duke his wife deed to Daniel Duke for $400 N.E. quarter, section 12, T 2, R 13 E. Witness; William L. Ragan, William Bush, and Isham Pittman.
August 12, 1828 William Graham and Nancy his wife deed to Thomas Gibson for $400 S.E. quarter, section 6, T 3, R 13, 157.55 acres. Witness; McGin Bracey and C. D. Learned. Nancy Graham relinquishes her right of dower.
August 23, 1830 Abraham Lundy to William Atkason for $200 N.W. quarter of Section 4, T 3, R 18 W. Witness; R. Willoughby and John T. Spencer. Elizabeth Lundy relinquishes right of dower.
License to practice medicine granted to Dr. Mapes Eastman by Samuel Pichett M.D., dated July 13, 1831.
July 4, 1831 James W. Pittman and William Spencer for note made to James Atkason and Allen Barnes, guardian to Edward Lee minor for $500 payable 12 months from July 4, 1831, and for love and affection William Spencer has for John T. Spencer sold to James Pittman two slaves. Witness; Charles D. Learned.
S. H. Wilks and Isaac D. Newsome are bound to William Spencer, Judge of Probate, for $500, dated September 5, 1831. Wilks elected justice of the peace.
Mary Singleton for $18,000 to Merry Bracey Negro slaves. Witness; Morgan A. Heard. Dated January 28, 1828
Letter from Mary Singleton to Merry Bracey telling him to pay her son Anthony Butler the sum of $18,000 for the sale of the Negroes mentioned in the preceding deed. Dated January 28, 1828.
Thomas Allen and Stephen Wilks bound to Gerard C. Brandon, Governor, for $1000, dated September 5, 1831. Wilks was elected constable. Witness; William Spencer.
Charlotte Lee deed to Benjamin B. Barnes for love and affection for grandson Benjamin B. Barnes. Land South part of West half of North West quarter section 36, T 2, R 18 W. Witness; William Norman and Sterling Powell. Dated June 29, 1831.
Merry Bracey, William Graham, and William Lott appointed commissioners by William Spencer, Judge of Probate, to make division between James Atkison and Allen Barnes of the one part and Edward Lee of the other part. October 9, 1830.
James Atkason, Allen Barnes, and Martin Lewis are bound to Governor Brandon for $4000, dated December 6, 1831. Atkinson appointed commissioner and collector of taxes.
William Jenkins, Simon Lott, and Christopher Burt bound to William Spencer, Judge of Probate, for $500, dated September 5, 1831. William Jenkins appointed Justice of the peace.
Rudolph Willoughby, Christopher Burt, Benjamin Hammond, and John H. Norton bound to Governor Brandon for $1000. December 5, 1831. Willoughby appointed commissioner.
John Harris deed 80 acres to Archibald Graham for $75 W. half of N.W. quarter section 34, T 3, R 18 W, October 28, 1831.
Simon Lott for love and affection to wife Nancy Lott and her children; slaves. He appointed wife's father Joseph McAfee guardian of slaves. Dated January 20, 1832. Simon Lott for $1600 deed to Joseph McAfee slaves. Dated January 20, 1832. Witness; C. D. Learned and Sampson Pope.
February 14, 1833 Elias Vickers and Elizabeth his wife of Hinds County deed to John Allen of Covington County for $1500 S.E. quarter section 2, R 18, T 5 W, and the N.E. quarter of same section 2, T 5, R 18 W. Witness; M. C. Carter, William W. Carter. A. G. Moore, J.P. proved above deed.
William Graham, Allen Barnes, James Atkinson are bound to William Spencer, Judge of Probate, for $5000, dated January 2, 1831. William Graham is treasurer of County.
Ralph Stovall deed to Lucy Stovall alias Lucy Ashton slaves. Dated June 14, 1831. Witness; Charles Learned, J.P.
Mary Bilbo deed to William M. Wallis for $60 640 acres on E. side of Pearl River, R 18, T 3, south half of section 27 and north of section 34, in Hancock County. Dated January 4, 1834.
Isaac R. Nicholson of Hinds County deed to Elizabeth Powell of Marion County for $480 tract of land on Pearl River, S.W. quarter of Section 28, T 3, R 18 W of Basis Meridian, 160 acres. Dated September 19, 1834. Witness; James Scott.
John McGuffee and Ann his wife of Covington County deed to Jesse Lee of Marion County for $2000 a tract of land on East side of Pearl River, Section 35, S.W. quarter of section 36, T 2, R 18 W of Basis Meridian, 263 acres. Dated October 13, 1822.
John Ford, Sr., and Hannah his wife of St. Tammany Parish, LA., deed to William Yarborough for $900, 453 acres on the east side of Pearl River, Township 1 and Range 18 W. Dated November 29, 1833. Witness; Joseph M. Ford and Samuel Ford. Hannah Ford acknowledges that she signed the deed voluntarily. December 6, 1834.
Henry C. Ashton for $1,350 deed to Edward Engelhard of Lawrence County several Negro slaves. Dated October 7, 1834. Witness; J. Silverberg.
Daniel Seal and his wife Rebecca Seal deed to Henry Sones for $1,400 tracts of land north half of section 11 and E part of Section 2, T 3, R 13 E containing 376 acres; also another tract distinguished as the NE quarter of S 10, T 3, R 13 E, District of Washington. Dated September 2, 1833. Witness; Nathaniel M. Collins.
Hudson B. Harrington sells a negro boy for $800 to F. B. Haynes March 6, 1835. Attest: James Walker.
Charles D. Learned, administrator of the estate of William Livermore, deceased, sold at public auction title to the estate of William Livermore, represented insolvent. The highest bidder was James Denerson.
Sarah Rawls for love and affection to her husband James Rawls three Negroes. Dated March, 1834
Benjamin Youngblood for love and affection deeds his daughters Hannah Broomfield and her heirs except her two oldest children, George Washington and Andrew Jackson one Negro girl. Witness; Fleet Magee, Owen Conerly and Luke Conerly. Dated August 1, 1832
Benjamin Youngblood for love and friendship gives to daughter Nancy Toney and her children a Negro woman and her child. Dated January 13, 1831. Witness; Fleet Magee, Joel Bullock and Luke Conerly.
Benjamin Youngblood for love and friendship for son Henry Youngblood, one Negro woman about 27 years of age and another about 19 years. Dated January 13 1831. Witness; Fleet Magee, Joel Bullock, Luke Conerly.
Benjamin Youngblood for love and good will gives to daughter Lucy Ann Lampton and her children a Negro girl and a Negro boy. Dated January 13, 1831. Witness; Fleet Magee, Joel Bullock, Luke Conerly.
Benjamin Youngblood for love and good will gives daughter Vesta Kent and her children a Negro boy and a Negro girl. Dated January 13, 1831. Witness; Fleet Magee, Joel Bullock and Luke Conerly.
Benjamin Youngblood for love and affection gives daughter Susanna Sibley and her children a Negro woman and a Negro boy. Dated January 5, 1835. Witness; C. D. Learned
Elias Wallace swears in County that he saw Mary Bilbo sign the deed to M. Wallace.
December 27, 1832 Received of Jackson Turnage $450 for Negroes left by Jacob Dunkin of North Carolina, County of Duplin, to his children. Signed: Joseph Green and Susanna Green. Test: Luke Conerly.
C. D. Learned states that Susanna Green signed the above document voluntarily.
Don Fernando Sims for $600 sells to John C. Wade a Negro boy. Dated April 1, 1834. John C. Wade promises to sell to D. F. Sims the above mentioned Negro boy in return for $600 by January 1, 1835 if he so desires.
Sterling Powell for $600 deed to Evan Powell his interest in the estate of Nicholas Powell, deceased, and what he might be entitled to after the death of his mother Elizabeth Powell. Dated July 25, 1834. Witness; C. D. Learned.
Ralph and Sarah Stovall sign document giving Lucy Stovall usage of the house and lands whereon she lives for her lifetime. Then to go to Martin Lewis. Witness; Joseph M. Ford and Jacob Folks
March 3, 1834 Cullen Conerly and Levicy Conerly for $650 sells to Martin Lewis a tract of land lot No 7, section 34, T 4, R 13 E, containing 74 acres; also Lot No 1 of section 34,
containing 80 acres, District of Washington. Witness; James Burkett and Josiah B. Lewis. Levicy Conerly swears that she voluntarily signed the deed to Martin Lewis.
March 3, 1834 Martin Lewis sells to Cullen Conerly for $650 a tract of land W half of the SE quarter of S 33, T 3, R 12 E, containing 80 acres; also E half of the NE quarter of S 2, T 2, R 12 E, containing 77.76 acres.
December 27, 1833 Nicholas Gray and Ellen N. Gray of the city of Natchez sell to William Graham of Marion County for $300 a section of land NE quarter of Section 3, fractional section 2, the W part thereof, T 3 fractional R No 13 E, containing 251.30 acres.
Ellen Gray swears that she voluntarily signed the above deed. Witness; James Carson.
October 23, 1833 William C. Jones, Lewis Jones, Daniel Jones, Benjamin Jones, James Jones, and Wiley Jones, heirs of Benjamin Jones, Sr., deceased, sell to James W. Pittman for $350 a parcel of land containing 106 acres. Witness; C. D. Learned and R. G. Ford. William C. Jones, Lewis Jones, Daniel Jones, Benjamin Jones, Wiley Jones, and Elizabeth Jones appear before the justice of the peace and state that they signed the above deed.
October 23, 1833. Elizabeth Jones, widow of Benjamin Jones, deceased, for $1 and for the love and affection for her sons William C. Jones Lewis Jones, Daniel Jones, James Jones, Benjamin Jones, and Wiley Jones sells her title to the land deeded James W. Pittman. October 23, 1833.
February 11, 1835 Jordan Morgan and Mary Morgan his wife of Hancock County sell to James Rawls, administrator of the estate of Jabus Rawls, deceased. for $500 land lying east of Pearl River. Witness; Ebenezer Ford and Mary Ann Ford.
Mary Morgan states that she signed the deed voluntarily.
March 19, 1835 Kitty Coburn and Sam Coburn and David G. Humphreys in the right of his wife the late Mary Coburn, heirs of Samuel Coburn, Sr., deed., sell to James Tate for $500 land on Pearl River.
April 4, 1835 John H. Mallory and Virginia Mallory deed to Percell Powell tracts of land in Marion County containing 457.60 acres; and 704.80 acres.
January 25, 1834 James McGowan sells to James B. McLelland for $300 land W half of SW quarter of S 2, T 4, R 19 W, containing 80 acres. Witness; James W. Pittman
Charles D. Learned sells to James Atkinson for $150 a tract of land containing 107 acres; also land known as McGown Gin Lot bounded by lands belonging to James Atkinson on East and South, on the West by Pearl River, thence to the beginning. Dated April 27, 1835. Witness; James W. Pittman
January, 1835 Christopher Burt sells to Margaret Singley for $200 a tract of land W half of NW quarter of S 18, T 3, R 17 W of the Basis Meridian containing 79.62 acres. Witness; James W. Pittman
Sampson Pope and Esther, his wife, for $300 sell to Isham Pounds a tract of land E half of NW quarter and the E half of the SW quarter of S 10, T 2, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. Dated April 30, 1835.
Esther Pope states she voluntarily signed the above deed.
April 4, 1835 Elizabeth Powell sells to Evan Powell for $442.50 a parcel of land on Pearl River SW quarter of Section 28, T 3, R 18 W of the basis meridian, containing 160 acres.
August 4, 1835 Thomas Gibson sells to Josiah Holmes 160 acres on the west side of Pearl River, T 3, R 13, NE quarter of Section 7, for $300. Witness; James Burnes and Anderson Adams
Sept 5, 1835 Allen Barnes sells to Sampson Pope for $1,400 land in Marion County N half of fractional section 11 and the E part of section 2, T 3, R 13 E, containing 376 acres; also NE quarter of section 10, T 3, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. Witness; J. W. Pittman
September 7, 1835 John Bozeman sells to James W. Bozeman for $255 a parcel of land NE quarter of the SE quarter of Section 25, T 5, R 19 W, containing 40.04 acres. Witness; J. W. Pittman.
March 26, 1835 Bill of sale between John Parish and James A. Jordan. John Parish of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, sells to James A. Jordan of Marion County, a Negro woman and her child for $650. Witness; John Moody and Jesse Moody
April 6, 1835 William Barnes, guardian of Isaac D. Newsome, sells to John Barnes, Jr., at public auction, land in Marion County W 1/2 of the SE quarter section 23, T 5, R 18 W and the W 1/2 of the NE quarter section 23, T 5, R 18 W. Witness; J. W. Pittman.
April 7, 1835 John Barnes, Jr., and Nancy Barnes sell to William Barnes for $300 land in Marion County W 1/2 SE quarter section of section 23, T 5, R 18 W and the W 1/2 NE quarter of section 23, T 5 R 18 W. Witness; J. W. Pittman. Nancy Barnes states that she voluntarily signed the deed to William Barnes.
September 27, 1834 David Sumrall and his wife Sarah for $600 sell to Samuel G. Foxworth a tract of land sec 19, T 3, R 14 E, 260 acres. Witness; C. D. Learned and Mary H. Learned. Sarah Sumrall relinquishes dower.
May 20, 1835 Charles D. Learned sells to Hudson B. Harrington for $200 land Lot 16 fronting on Main Street and Lot 17 and Lot 16 bounded on north by Bone Alley, on E. by Lot 3, W by Lot 21. Witness; Hanibal Hamlin, James Atkinson
October 15, 1835 John Parnell sells to James W. Bozeman for $300 land in Marion County SE quarter of SE quarter of Section 25, T 5, R 19 W, 40.04 acres. Witness; J. W. Pittman.
October 20, 1835 William McGowen and Hester McGowen his wife sell to Benjamin Pope for $2,500 land on the east side of Pearl River, section 23, T 4, R 19 W, 200 acres. Witness; J. W. Pittman.Hester McGowen relinquishes right of dower.
December 11, 1835 Martin Lewis and Nancy Lewis his wife sell to Henry Cook for $750 a tract of land, section 34 acres and 80 acres. Nancy Lewis relinquishes right of dower.
November 28, 1826 Ralph Stovall of Pike County sells to Engelhard and Silverberg of Marion County for $300 a parcel of land Lot no 6 on Main and 2nd Streets on the NE corner of the Public Square, 120 sq. ft. Witness; Gilbert Stovall
T. Lewis, sheriff of Marion County, for $21, sells to Engelhard and Silverberg a town lot. January 31, 1829
January 20, 1836 Absalom Lott sells to Jesse Lott for $110 a tract of land E half of the SE quarter of section 7 T 4, R 16 W. Witness; J. W. Pittman
January 23, 1836 Daniel M. Symonds, guardian of the minor heirs of James Burnet late of Hancock County sells at public auction to Jourdan Morgan for $25 a parcel of land. Witness; Ebb Ford and Daniel Felder.
December 19, 1835 Lewis Williamson sells to Micajah Hill for $200 a tract of land, SW quarter section 13, and NW quarter, T 2, R 18 W. Witness; Fort Alford, J.P. Elizabeth Williamson relinquishes right of dower.
March 2, 1836 David Robertson of Amite County gives to Sarah Robertson alias Sarah Hunt of Marion County, the child of said David Robertson, for love and affection he bears the wife of Henry Hunt, and for $1 three slaves to the heirs of his daughter Sarah. Witness; J. W. Pittman
Henry H. Hunt sells to William Yarbrough 3 Negro slaves, March 1, 1836. Witness; James Rawls
Feb. 3, 1856 Abram Lunday and Elizabeth Lunday sell to James B. McLelland for $200 a parcel of land SE half of SE quarter Section 2, T 4, R 19 W. Witness; J. W. Pittman.
April 24, 1835 Elizabeth Powell sells to John Ford for $37.50 a parcel of land on Pearl River SW quarter section 28, T 3, R 18 W. Witness; Evan Powell and Allen Ford
March 7, 1836 Joseph Warren deed to John Grimsley for $332 a tract of land NE quarter Section 4, T 1, R 13 E. Witness; J. W. Pittman
November 18, 1818 John W. Heath of Hancock County, deed to Nicholas Jones a tract of land east of Pearl River for $1,000. Witness; Tobias Heath and Thomas Anderson.
Drury Stovall of Marion County for love and affection to daughter Polly Ratliff sells to John L. Stovall in trust for Polly Ratliff Negro woman named Rose. Dated December 10, 1832.
Thomas Brown deed to Seaborne Bass, October 26, 1836, for $900 land in Marion County, SE quarter of the SW quarter of Section 25, 120 acres. Witness; John Barnes
Reason Burns deed to Newit Cowart, January 20, 1836, for $2000, land in Marion County the plantation where I now live formerly belonging to Merry Bracey lying on Pearl River adjoining lands owned by Benjamin Bayley, Thomas Sumrall, Allen Jenkins, James Smylie, Henry Henninger, David Sumrall, Benjamin P. May, Jesse Sumrall. Signed by R. Burnes and Cordilla Burns. Sworn before J. W. Pittman, J.P., January 20, 1836. Relinquishment of dower by Cordilla Burns, December 13, 1836
Drury Stovall for love and affection for daughter Sarah Stovall sells to John Lewis Stovall and Thomas Peter Stovall as trustees for Sarah a Negro girl named Louisa aged 3 years. Dated May 21, 1833. In presence of C. D. Learned. Recorded December 15, 1836
January 29, 1836 William Atkinson and Ellen Atkinson, his wife, of Choctaw County, deed to Martin Lewis, Marion County, for $245 land in Marion County Lot 3, sec. 27, T 4, R 13 E; Lot 3, Sec. 27, T 4, R 13 E. Signed by William and Eleanor Atkinson. Witness; Daniel Seale and William W. Stevens
Martin Lewis, Yeoman, in consideration of $3963.72, deed to Allen and Harris Barnes land in Marion County, containing 170 acres on West side of Pearl River. Dated November 21, 1836. Signed by Martin and Nancy Lewis, in presence of R. Willoughby
Burwell S. Brakefield and Mary, his wife, and William S. Brakefield deed to William T. Lenoir for $2500 land in Marion County on West side of Pearl River, Section 22 containing 295 acres. Also a quarter section on east side of Pearl River, premises where William Smith lived at the time of his death and which he bequeathed to us by his will. Dated November 8, 1836. Witness; William A. Stone and R. Willoughby. Letters Patent by the United States to William Smith dated the 4th of September, 1824, and by his legatees Burwell S. Brakefield and William S. Brakefield.
From James Monroe, President of the United States William Smith assignee of Ayres Hollyday full payment made for 595 acres in Mississippi, September 4, 1824. George Graham, commissioner of the General Land Office.
Jourdan Morgan and Mary, his wife, of Hancock County, deed to George Sheriff, of Marion County for $300 land east of Pearl River. Date?? October 31, 1836. Attest Ebenezer Ford
October 24, 1833 Lewis Jackson and Winna Jackson for $250 deed to Elizabeth Peak land SE quarter, Section 15, T 3, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. Attest: James L. Lenoir
William B. Sones and Mary D. Sones, his wife, for $500 deed to Benjamin B. Barnes land SW quarter, section 27, T 5, R 19 W; SE quarter of NW quarter, section 27, T 5, R 19 W, containing 49.92 acres. Dated January 2, 1837. Acknowledgment before R. Willoughby, J.P.
Benjamin B. Barnes and Clarissa his wife deed to Jacob Pope for $1000 land NE quarter of SW quarter, Section 27, T 5, R 19; SE quarter of NW quarter Sec. 27, T 5, R 19 W; West half of NW quarter, section 27, T 5, R 19, containing 79.94 acres. Dated January 2, 1837. Before R. Willoughby, J.P.
January 10, 1837 Readic Pierce to Gabriel Blackburn for $110 land in Marion County. Witness; Martin Lewis, A. J. Blackburn.
December 24, 1836 Marcus E. Carter and Lydia E. Carter his wife of Covington County deed to William Gardiner of Marion County for $620 W half of NW quarter, section 12; E half of NE quarter, section 11, T 5, R 18 W, containing 160 acres. Witness; Jacob Carter, John McPerie, and Nevin C. Hathorne
Henry Cook and wife Martha Cook deed to Daniel Thompson for $450 land E half of the SW quarter, section 35, T 4, R 17, containing 79 acres. In presence of Charles D. Learned. Dated December 27, 1832
Ebenezer Ford as administrator of the estate of Joseph Ford of Marion County, deceased, May 4, 1835, sold at public auction for $2,700 to Solomon R. Ford, who was highest bidder, land in Sec. 30, T 1, R 19, containing 370 acres. Dated December 5, 1836.
December 6, 1836 Alfred Rowland Drake of Madison County deed to Allen and Harris Barnes for $200 land West part of Lot 2, Sec. 27, T 4, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. In presence of Silas Drake and Caroline M. Drake.
Josiah Holmes and Agnes Holmes for $300 deed to Thomas P. Stovall land NW quarter, Sec. 18, T 3, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. Dated March 6, 1837. Before R. Willoughby, J.P.
Benjamin Johnson for love and affection for son Samuel J. Johnson and for $100 stock of cattle, hogs and farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, reserving for himself one feather bed and one horse Dated March 25, 1837.
John Allen, Sr., received of Thomas Allen $200 for 4 Negroes, dated May 3, 1837. Test: Bilpha Lancaster, Elam Strickling, Hannah Allen.
John Allen Sr. received of Thomas Allen $225 for a Negro girl. Witness; William M. Pace and Bilpha Lancaster
Robert S. Jones and Eliza A. Jones his wife for $400 deed to S. Pittman land on Hurricane Creek, April 17, 1837.
January 15, 1829 Francis Kirby of Morgan County, Georgia, to Joseph Warren of Marion County, Mississippi, for $172 land on Pearl River. Witness; John M. Kinkead and Edmund G. Williams
January 12, 1826 Thomas Downing deed to Joseph Warren for $1500 land E half of SE quarter, section 31, T 2, R 14 E, containing 21 acres on the west side of Pearl River, on north side of Hurricane Creek and 80 acres. Acknowledgment by Ann Downing before Thomas Railey, J.P.
January 12, 1829 the will of Charles A. Lawson, deceased, on record in Orphan County in Warren County, MS. Executors of the will was Samuel Smith, Joseph A. McCraven, and Jeremiah Powell. Deed to Francis Kirby of Morgan County, Georgia, for $172 land containing between 300 and 400 acres on Pearl River. Witness; Isaac Caldwell and John D. Kincaid. Confirmed by the following heirs of Charles M. Lawson, deceased. William Irvin, Jeremiah Powell, Archibald McIntyre, Andrew Gamble and Roger Lawson. Dated January 13, 1829.
April 28, 1829 David Ford, Jr., executor of John Ford, Sr. deceased., for $800 to Joseph Warren land Sec. 3, T 1, R 14 E, containing 233 acres. Before Jesse Crawford, J.P.
January 18, 1837 William Kendrick deed to B. R. Bridges and Hugh F. Bridges of Lawrence County, Mississippi, for $1900 land West half of NW quarter, Section 24, T 5, R 11 E. Witness; J. B. Caldwell and J. Caldwell. Mary Kendrick relinquishes right of dower February 1, 1837
Flora Graham for love and affection to daughter Jane Graham a Negro girl called Viney aged 11. Dated July 8, 1837. Witness; Benjamin B. Barnes, John Baughman, Nancy Lee.
Thomas Gibson and Anna Gibson his wife deed to Henry Lewis for $400 land NE quarter, section 17, T 3, R 13 E, dated September 23, 1837. Test: Josiah B. Lewis. Anna Gibson relinquishes right of dower, January 1, 1838, before R. Willoughby, J.P.
Jesse and Flora Crawford deed to John Jameson for $666 land in Marion County NE quarter of section 36, T 2, R 13 E, in the district of Washington and State of Mississippi, containing 158 acres.
William Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife deed to John Jameson for $1160 land Nw quarter of the SE quarter of Sec. 32, T 2, R 12 E, containing 40 acres, the house on said land, furniture, wagon, 2 horses, 40 hogs, and 25 head of cattle. Dated June 20, 1837. Mary Johnson relinquishes right of dower, 1837.
November 28, 1837 Allen Barnes deed to Sampson Pope for $5000 land containing 298 acres Lot 1, section 14, T 3, R 13 E, containing 547 acres; also Section 11, T 3, R 13 E commencing on the half mile stake on the north and south lines; on the W side of section to the north and south line on the east side, being all of the part of the said section lying south of the said line containing 298.75 acres
March 25, 1837 John Slocumb and Elizabeth D. Slocumb his wife of Claiborne County deed to Joseph Warren of Marion County for $750 land in Marion County north half of fractional sect. 4, T 1, R 14 E of lands sold at Washington, Mississippi, bounded as follows: E by Pearl River, S and W by lands of Joseph Warren, and N. by lands of Dougall McLaughlin, deceased., containing 470 acres.
January 17, 1838 Thomas Stockstill and Harriett his wife deed to Albert J. Amacker for $120 land South half of Division No. 3, section 7, T 3, R 17, containing 40 acres.
Harriett Stockstill relinquishes right of dower.
January 17, 1838 John Wheat and Mary his wife deed to Thomas Stockstill for $120 land South half of Division 3, ?? T 2, R 17 which Elias Wallace received at Augusta, MS., February 12, 1834. He transferred on April 22, 1837, to John Wheat. Mary Wheat relinquishes right of dower.
Martha Wallis wife of Elias Wallace for $1 quit claim to John Wheat and transferred to the said John Wheat by my said husband Elias Wallis S half of Division 3, Sect. 7, T 2, R 17 April 22, 1837. She relinquishes right of dower, January 18, 1838.
January 6, 1838 John Smart and Elizabeth Farmer legatees of the will of James Perkins, deceased, to Newit Coward for $200, containing 80 acres; and W half of the NE quarter, Secttion 11, T 2, R 12 E, containing 80 acres. Witness; Edmund H. Smart and William Turner.
March 17, 1838 Matthew Bryant of Lawrence County deed to Dolphin Pope of Marion County for $500 NE quarter of SE quarter of Sec. 35, T 5, R 19, containing 40 acres.
November 28, 1837 Allen Barnes deed to Elizabeth Ann Henninger for $150 SW quarter of Sec. 15, T 3, R 13 E, containing 160 acres. Witness; Oliver J. Ross
May 5, 1838 Benjamin G. Humphries, in right of his late wife, Mary Humphries, deceased, and Thomas G. McIntyre in right of his wife Emily McIntyre, late Emily McLaughlin of the County of Claiborne, and Thomas McLauchlin of Marion, distributes of Dougald McLaughlin, late of Marion County, deed to John Jameson for $350 tracts of Land SE quarter, 160 acres; also SW quarter of sect. 26, T 2, R 13 E, 160 acres. July 25, 1838, R. Willoughby, clerk.
August 18, 1837 Jesse Lee and his wife Nancy deed to Benjamin Rawls for $1850 S part of fractional sect. 35, SW quarter of Sect. 36, T 2, R 18 W of the Basis Meridian, 263 acres with an exception of 12 acres deeded to David Ford the part of fractional sec. 35, Beginning on T line at SE corner of said 1/4 section running due N 40 chains, then due W 73 chains and 41 links to the Pearl, thence down river to the township line thence due E 12 chains 10 links to SE corner, then due E 40 chains to beginning. Witness; William Rawls. Ebenezer Ford, Judge of Probate. Nancy relinquished dower Aug. 8, 1837.
James Rawls and Sarah his wife deed to Benjamin Rawls for $1800 N part of Fractional sect. 35, T 2, R 18 W, 319 acres, beginning on Pearl River where the W line of fractional sec. leaves the river running due N 16 chains and 67 links to NW corner post thence due E 80 chains to NE corner post, thence due S 41 chains and 79 links, due W. 73 chains and 41 links to River, up River to beginning. Dated Aug. 8, 1837. Sarah Rawls relinquished dower on Aug. 8, 1837 before E. Ford, Probate Judge
February 4, 1836 Deed of Gift John Adams for love and affection to children Laney Strong, Cordelia Burnes, Winna Jackson, Anna Gibson, Annas Jones, Anderson Adams, and Hestor Adams slaves: to Laney girl Maria; to Cordelia boy Geroge; to Winna girl Jenny; to Anna girl Sally; to Annas girl Mary; to Anderson woman Rose and child Hannah; to Hestor girl Caroline. Witness; R. Willoughby
James Thigpen and Martha his wife for $100 to Lewis Haguewood Lot 8 of Section 34, T 4, R 13 E, containing 74.72 acres. Dated December 12, 1828. Witness; Jesse Crawford, J.P. Martha relinquished dower, December 12, 1828.
June 21, 1833 Lewis Haguewood for $650 to Cullen Conerly Lot 7, fractional section 34, T 4, R 13 E in District of Washington, 80 acres; also Lot 8, fractional sect. 34, T 4, R 13 E, 74 acres. Signed Lewis and Delpha Haguewood. Witness; C. D. Learned and Henry R. Ellis
John Lott Sr. to John Rogers for $100 a tract of land lying next to the town of Columbia, which commences at Roger Lotts corner etc. (this was a town lot) Dated November 2, 1820. Witness; James Phillips, Jr., William Purvis.
John Lott Sr. to John Rogers for $100 a tract of land lying next to the town of Columbia, which commences at Roger Lotts corner etc. (this was a town lot) Dated November 2, 1820. Witness; James Phillips, Jr., William Purvis.
Indenture: April 11, 1823, John Lott, Jr., to Joseph Simmons for $80 a tract of land on east side of Pearl River. Recorded by Gilbert Stovall July 9, 1823.
John Lott Sr. Gilbert Stovall, Hiram G. Runnells, Henry Henneger Commissioners for the town of Columbia for $600 set over to Stepto Blackwell a parcel of land lying and being in the town of Columbia, Lot #2. Dated May 19, 1821
John Lott Sr., of the State of Mississippi & Henry Henninger, John Lott Sr., Gilbert Stovall, and Hiram G. Runnells Commissioners of the said County in consideration of half the net proceeds of the sales of all of the town lots in the town of Columbia. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the state aforesaid on the east side of Pearl River entered into between John Lott Sr. of the one part and the president and trustees of the Columbia Academy of the other part, a corner lot for the cause of Literature and Science, etc. Dated May 19, 1821. Sarah Lott, the wife of the within named John Lott, says she freely and voluntarily releases her rights & dower before Henry Hennenger. Signed Sary Ann Lott
John Lott Sr. Innkeeper, for $1000 to Stephen Nobles, lots in the town of Columbia number 17, 18, 19, 20 & 25. Dated May 12, 1821. Nobles also right title interest to ferry landing on Pearl River binding these lots. Witness; James Phillips & Sarah Phillips.
John Lott Sr. and Joseph Pierce for $500 a certain lot on the east side of Pearl River, north of the town boundary of Columbia, it being the lot or parcel of land whereon the house of the said Pierce now stands. Dated July 10, 1821. Witness; James Phillips & S. Duke
John Lott, Sr. for love and affection for daughter, Fanny, wife and consort of John Alexander, gives and bequeaths to her a tract of land. Dated September 23, 1823. Witness; B. Norris and S. Duke. Witnesses before Gilbert Stovall, C.C.C., for John Lott's bequeathing land to Fanny Alexander.
John Lott deposited in General Land Office of the United States a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at St. Stephens, Alabama, full payment for which was made. Provision for sale of the east Section 7, in Township 3, containing 252 acres, given completely to John Lott with all rights, etc. James Monroe, President, caused these letters to be made patent and seal of the General Land Office affixed. Dated October 20, 1823, George Graham, Commissioner of General Land Office. Recorded Vol. 1, page 49. Duly filed January 15, 1825; recorded April 1, 1825.
Indenture John Lott, Sr., to William Owens for $1000 a tract of land 252 acres on east side of Pearl River, dated January 15, 1825. Witness; John Maloney and John Alexander.
John Maloney swore to legality of the above document and that John Alexander and he saw document signed. Recorded January 15, 1825. Sarah Lott, wife of John Lott, Sr., relinquishes all claims on land before Gilbert Stovall, January 15, 1825.
July 11, 1825 John Lott, Sr., to Benjamin Lee for $2,000 a land tract of 600 acres.
September 24, 1825 Nathan Lott to John Lott, Jr., for $200 a tract of land, east half of southwest quarter of section 3, township 3, range 17, 80 acres and 40/100 acre more or less. Signed, sealed, and delivered before James Phillips.
Sarah, wife of Nathan Lott, hereby relinquishes all claim on land. Dated September 24, 1825.
John Lott, Jr., to Samuel Simpson for $350 a tract of land, Lot No. 1. Sarah Lott, wife of John Lott, Jr., voluntarily relinquished claim of dower on tract of land. Recorded April 26, 1826.
John Lott, Jr., deed to Samuel Rowland for $200 for land on the east side of Pearl River containing 80 acres. Dated September 4, 1826. Witness; A. J. Bracey and James H. Owens
Elizabeth Lott, wife of John Lott, Jr., relinquished dower in presence of Hugh M Gowen.
John Lott Jr. for $600 to Wm. Lee Negroes Ginny, Becky, Hiram, and Cislyan. Dated June 16, 1827. Witness; Robert Lott Sr. and George W. Freeland.
Indenture made by Henry Hennger and John Lott Sr, commissioners appointed by an act of the general assembly of the state, set over for $100 & $75 to James Simmons Jr. a certain town lot situate and lying in the town of Columbia, lot #17 on Main Street. Dated October 14, 1820 Witness; Francis B. Lenior & Lewis Haywood.
James Clark, James Rawls, and William Yarborough are bound to James Phillips for $1500, dated June 28, 1824. James Clark is guardian to Emeline Melinda Hagan in account with the Orphans County as directed by law. If he does not fulfill duties, his guardianship shall cease. Signed and acknowledged in open County. Recorded September 13, 1824 by Gilbert Stovall.
Emeline Malinda Hagan, minor, to be placed under guardianship of James Clark. He was required to make inventory of all property and report to authorities. Witness; James Phillips, Esqr. Dated June 28, 1824. Recorded September 14, 1824, Gilbert Stovall.
Green Young to answer plea of trespass of Richard Kennon & Charles L. Kennon adminstrator of the estate of John Kennon deceased. in damages for $200. Monday the 4th in August, 1812.
Charges against Green Young by Richard Kennon & Charles Kennon adminstrator of the estate of John Kennon for merchandise delivered in the amount of $106.97 August 29, 1813.
James Monroe, President of the USA, Know ye that John Applewhite, assignee of Thomas Applewhite, having deposited in the General Land Office certificate of the register, showing full payment has been made for east half of the southeast quarter, section 32, township 3, range 16 west, 80 acres of land, directed to be sold at St. Stephens in pursuance of laws. September 1, 1824; Recorded April 16, 1826.
Thomas Applewhite and his wife Rachel for $300 sell to James Applewhite land on the east side of Pearl River. Witness; Dolphin Pope and Edwin I. Brown. August 4, 1821
October 31, 1825 John Applewhite to Dolphin Pope for $240 a tract of land east half of the S.E. quarter of section 32, township 3, range 16, 80 acres. Witness; John Applewhite, Jr., Ephraim Nichols. Signed by John Applewhite and Penny Applewhite. Ephraim Nichols specified that he saw John and Penelope Applewhite sign above deed. Dated December 24, 1825, before William Barnes, J.P. Pennelope Applewhite voluntarily relinquished all claims to property, December 24, 1825, before Wm. Barnes.
Thomas Applewhite of the City of Yazoo and Rachel Applewhite his wife deed to Benjamin B. Barnes for $600 land on the East side of Pearl River being the south part of Section 26, T 2, R 18 W. Dated January 27, 1831. Witness; Elisha Applewhite. Rachel Applewhite relinquished dower before Jesse L. Brown of Yazoo.
John Applewhite deed to children:
Mary Furguson and Martha Lee for love and affection. Negro woman Hester and her child Mike, placed with the care of son Seth Applewhite.
To Son Stephen Applewhite; Negro girl Harriett
To Son Woodford Applewhite; Negro man Tom
To Son Seth Applewhite; Negro woman Nelly and child Saphy
To Son John Applewhite; boy Mingo
To Son Elisha Applewhite; woman Charlotte
To Elizabeth Regan; girl Morning
Dated June 16, 1831. Witness; Benjamin B. Barnes and Jesse Lee.
James Applewhite and Mary Ann, his wife, deed 24 acres to Benjamin B. Barnes for $1,000. Land on the East bank of Pearl River. Another tract containing 20.24 acres and another containing 154 acres. December 16, 1834.
U. S. Patent to John Applewhite to Applewhite assignee of James Rawls SE quarter of Sec. 18, T 1, R 17 W, October 7, 1818, by James Monroe, President. Vol. 37, Page 98.
Patent to John Applewhite assignee of James Rawls SE quarter of sect. 13, T 1, R 18 W 160 acres. Dated November 11, 1819, by James Monroe, President. Vol. 4, Page 107.
Holmes County, Mississippi John Applewhite of Marion County deed to John Fornea of Marion land in Marion County E of Pearl River SE quarter of Sect. 13, T 1, R 18 W, 160 acres
Received from John Ford one Negro man named Abram, one Negro woman named Annie, one Negro girl named Moss, one Negro boy named Alfred, one Negro boy named Bob, one Negro boy named Giles. I promise to deliver these if living when called for. I will pay the taxes while they are with me and will deliver the increase if any. January, 1821 Signed Miles Harper
Simeon Duke, Lewis Hegewood and James Phillips Jr. are indebted to George Poindexter, Governor of MS., in the amount of $6000. Dated April 24, 1821. Simeon Duke is to be Tax Collector & Assessor.
Bond of Simeon Duke, Frances B. Lenoir and John Lott Sr. for $6000, dated April 25, 1820. Simeon Duke is to be tax assessor & collector.
Bond: Simeon Duke, Charles Stovall, and Gilbert Stovall are bound to Walter Leake, Governor of the State of Mississippi, for $6,000, May 14, 1822. Duke is to serve as assessor and collector for Marion County.
Bond: Simeon Duke, William Mellon and Hugh McGowen are bound unto Walter Leake, Esq. Governor of Mississippi for $4,000. Simeon Duke appointed assessor and collector of taxes. Dated March term, 1823.
Indenture: November 6, 1823 between Jeptha Duke and James Thigpen for $500 paid to Duke by Thigpen for tract of land located in Section 15, Township 3, 160 acres. Filed January 10, 1824 by Gilbert Stovall.
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